Open TiviMate App and click Add Playlist
Click Enter URL.
Enter the provided M3U URL:
Click Next.
Wait for Channels to insert
You will then see Playlist is processed message with Channel count and your Playlist name. Click Next.
You will now see the TV Guide with the following URL:
Click Done.
TV Guide will import and you are able to start viewing!
This is for the US, I’m sure you can figure out if you want them all or another region like the UK or Canada.
To add Stirr to your playlist about 111 channels. The playlist URL is:
To add the epg for Stirr.
Keep in mind Stirr is not as good as Pluto but it is legal and free! Also, unless I used the wrong playlist URL Stirr didn’t load with categories other than Favorites. So making your own groups would make it easier for you to find stuff.
Here are some more urls:
This one I didn’t know about. So I am seeing for the 1st time. It doesn’t seem to have a bunch of movies, but they do load super fast. About 182 USA channels loaded with about 7 music channels. Also about 11 countries loaded USA , Canada, GB, and several from Europe, and India and Korea. So between USA +CA + GB you have about 360 channels. This loads the exact same way as you input Pluto.
This one is for Plex TV:
Plex TV has about 65 USA channels and maybe another couple of dozen English speaking channels.
This last one for today is for PBS Channels. I did not load this one so I can’t tell you anything about it at the moment.
I am going to checkout another URL source that sounds promising. If it pans out I will post some more URLs here.
Thank you for the guide. Much appreciated.
I found a pretty good m3u url that loads up about 3 dozen categories with almost 2,000 channels; 350 locals, 108 movies, 101 entertainment, 57 Classic, 142 General, 86 News, 79 Sports, 190 Series, 150 Kids/Animation/Family, and about another 15+ categories of miscellaneous stuff. The channels seem to come in quick and clear, and the sound is good. The problem I am having with it and one of the reasons I am hesitant about post the the code is the EPG is not loading properly. I’ve tried about 9 different epg urls but none of them populated properly. The best I have gotten is about 40% populating. Also, this is a github url and even though these are all free legal channels. I don’t know if a github url would be a violation of Troypoint terms?
Btw, I have the url for Canada and the UK also. I have not loaded them. So I don’t know if the epg issue exist with those, too. Combined they would add about another 350-400 channels.
When I find out if posting the urls is permissible then I will do so, but keep in mind the epg issue is still unresolved. Lousy EPG is a deal breaker for me on any paid IPTV service. This one is free so I will endure the inconvenience! I guess I can always refer back to my On TV Tonight guide. lol 
This is the playlist URL:
Probably the same one I used for my Tivimate demo. It’s all legal, so who cares. Just post it.
Hey, if you find a solution to the EPG issue. Please let me know.
There’s for sure a way with but I’ve never dabbled with it. Someone on here reading this probably has experience customizing EPGs. Maybe they’ll join the cause lol. Did you go back to the github page and see if one was already shared?
I joined their group and I believe that epg url is being updated as I hope this? Hope so…
I tried that first one and it loaded but didn’t show anything. Didn’t try the second one.
I just joined a site called m3u4u. I watched a vid about them last night and it looks promising. I’m going to play with it sometime today.
The only reason I mess with this stuff is mostly because I am bored and just curious to see what I can do with the info. Although, this whole project started because I downloaded Tivimate and that app offers a lot of features. One of which is inputting multiple urls. My mission is to try and get as many streaming apps from my home screen and into the Tivimate app
Don’t know what to tell you. Just make sure you are typing in the EXACT link. Also, sometimes copy and paste doesn’t work and you have to type in the link. On Nvidia’s I notice the onscreen keyboard will create a space after a period key punch. So make sure there are no added spaces.
I just checked on my device and both are playing properly. I never heard of Samsung TV until a day or two ago.
The Samsung worked for me and has good content.
Had problem at first with samsung, but works good. Have to watch for capital letters
Try this one. This is a link Jayhawk posted in another group. Keep in mind it will load ALL countries! Sounds like the EPG is somewhat iffy, but the channels will load. When loaded you will have about 4,000 channels!
Btw, I joined a site to learn how to make an epg url. Maybe by the grace of God I will be able to accomplish it, but I ain’t holdin’ my breath! LOL
I joined up with m3u4u. There forum seemed more inviting to newbies.
The above github link’s EPG has a lot of issues. Only about 40% of the channels will display an EPG. Of that a lot of the channels that do show an epg are inaccurate. So you are on your own as far as the epg is concerned . There are just too many channels that need correcting for me to mess around with trying to redo the epg.
PFade keeps us posted. Thanks for everything
I found a real good file, but none of the EPG is working at. All the channels for USA, Canada, and UK are there even with their logos. I just can’t get the epg file to work. Tried just adding m3u, xml but got zip. I am afraid the epg file is corrupt, or Tivimate will not read a file? It seems like it should because the way I understand it is a file is just a shortened url. I don’t know, but the channel are quick to load and audio/visual are great. There are 878 channels between US, CA, UK.
Here’s a site that will help guide you in getting FREE streams from your school and local libraries.
If you have an active membership with your local library or a university login, then you can use it to stream thousands of movies to your TV, phone, tablet, or computer. You can use this link to check if your library participates or use this link to check your university.
Given that library membership is free across the country, I’d say Kanopy is one of the best options when looking to stream free entertainment.
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Here’s an interesting FREE site. This is a streaming project out of Stanford University conducted by students. Currently they only stream 6 channels (CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, PBS, CW). These are all local channels to the Stanford area, but these are the regular channels (NOT VOD News Channels). So that means you get the regular programming for those tv stations!
The streams load blazingly fast and are clear as a bell! Sound is of good quality. You can go to their site: Puffer ( and register.
You can watch on a variety of devices, but not iPhone or iPads, also will not work on Safari. Check their site for specific info. I tested on my phone, laptop, and TV using a Nvidia Pro. All worked as normal. On my TV I used Downloader to go to their site and logged in. The site came up instantly and started viewing as normal.
I also tested it using the Firefox browser on my Nvidia. It did play, but for some reason going to full screen became a challenge.
Imho, I believe this site would be better used on a tablet, laptop, or phone. But what the heck, you can still use it on your streaming device if you want to.
UPDATE: Woohoo… I just tried watching using my laptop and cast it to my Samsung TV and the controlling issues were rendered moot! But I still think this site is better suited for phones and tablets.
Puffer (