Tivimate vs Sparkle iptv player and the cheap alibaba iptv

I can load both of my IPTV services on Tivimate. How do they not compete for the same channel. If one has a channel the other doesn’t does it show up on the EPG? Do have all 26 urls loaded on the same player? Still trying to figure out how to take the EPG from Sparkels and load it on TM. This is so fun, really!

The epgs do not compete. A channel is assigned a epg and that’s it. Unless you manually assign a different epg to a channel.

In other words, once a channel’s epg is filled. Once the channel is assigned then it remains that way and you don’t need to do anything more unless you choose to manually assign a different eog to that program.

Btw, I would strongly suggest after you do all the assigning that you should do a backup. A backup will come in handy if you ever need to reload your playlists. Then you won’t have to do all that work all over again.

I sent you a more detailed PM.

I know what tivimate is. I use smarters pro player and have for many years and have never had any problems. Tivimate is used I believe more then any other player.

I don’t use Sparkles but the Alibaba service works fine for the most part in Tivimate. The EPG sucks but I’ve only really encountered infrequent buffering on the non-VIP 24/7 channels.
Sometimes, the VPN connection that you’re using may be hampering the stream. My usual close VPN servers are sometimes not as fast as they should be and I have to switch to another that is geographically further away, but working better than my go-to servers.

I’ve been using TIVIMate for recording and haven’t had any problems with it. It can be configured to record internally or to NAS etc.

Regarding the comments listed above about buffering on one platform’s UI and not the other, you really have to take a deep dive into the configuration settings. Because a setting like Auto Frame Rate (AFR) for example works on one device ie, nVidia Shield doesn’t mean it works on a FireStick or Cube. If you test the two IPTV Service Providers side by side or one after the other using, configuring the same settings may not work because of compatibility issues with the hardware and software.

I have two Shields which I could use to do a side by side comparison but I’m in a middle of a move and my other Shield is still boxed up. Maybe you could go to your IPTV’s website and see if they have any recommendations regarding this issue. You could also check your data delivery format, WiFi or Ethernet. Are both devices connected to the internet the same way? 2.4 Vs 5 Megabit for instance. Even look at your hardware devices and where they are physically placed. There could be interference on or to the WiFi signal. Sometimes even two identical hardware devices can exhibit different behaviours.
Anyhow, good luck on your journey. Do what works for you. If one IPTV service (Alibaba) works better on one device and another service works better on your other device, set it up that way. Is one device using Extreme Codes and the other using a URL login?

Best of luck and have a great New Year.

I use ProtonVPN and it actually has “speedup” coding. So I actually get slightly faster speeds WITH my VPN active.

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I use Privado VPN that came with my Easynews account and I’ll lose 10-20% of my speeds. You get what you pay for!

No doubt. I got ProtonVPN and Proton Mail, 2 years ago as it’s the only one my Canadian bank would allow for sending verification codes. I was out of the country at the time and didn’t have a Cdn phone.

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My sparkle not working

mine is working fine.i finally figured out how to record with it and it’s better than tivimate as far as recording but tivimate is better at customization. and the china cheap iptv service doesn’t buffer on sparkle at all but a lil on tivimate,def notice the difference

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Could you be a bit more specific.

I just cancelled my subscription after a couple of days and I get a portion of my money back.

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I have a couple cheap subs from both Ali and Amazon. They work well on Tivi but not so much on Smarters. I don’t have Sparkle but may have to give it a try.

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Iptv subs are for sale on amazon? do you have a link?

edit: found it,interesting just like alibaba

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Yes there are a couple sellers on Amazon. I’ve used on for about 6 months and its pretty good. DM if you want more info

If you don’t like the sub do you just return the M3u to Whole Foods? :rofl:

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So, watching the games on my TM and it buffers a lot even with maintenance. However on Sparkels not at all so far. The point is, it’s the same provider loaded on both. Strange

Question - can I restore my backup from Tivimate to RESTORE for use on Sparkle?

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Could be tivimate settings…hls vs mpeg-ts etc. A pretty surefire way to kill most if not all buffering is use a mini pc to host your subscriptions and then send it to your devices. An old pc can do the trick in most cases. By doing this you take the workload off the android/fire devices…put it all on the pc which has no problem grabbing the stream etc…food for thought. :skull:

I’ve watched both games without one interruption using TiViMate. Still watching nice comeback niners.