Stremio -Trakt Not Marking Shows

I installed stremio version 1.6.7 from scratch a few days ago.
I did not add an external player. It says player is ExoPlayer.
Trakt must be authorized since stremio can read my trakt watchlist.

I revoked stremio in trakt. I do not have a setting in stremio for trakt.
I have an addon called TraktTV version 0.2.7 in stremio. Is trakt built in and don’t need this?

Thanks for your reply.

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Then i suggest you try weyd. It can be changed in settings to show your history/ upcoming new episodes/ new episodes and new movies.

But you need to add those settings within the app on top of the default menu of TV and movies in the left hand column of the page.

And as far as being old is> i am 77.5 years old and i can manage this stuff, despite my limited knowledge on all this app/ apks/ software stuff.:grinning::+1::pray:t2:

Trakt is authorized within stremio. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be able to see my trakt watch list within stremio. I revoked and reauthorized it.

Maybe stremio can do enough of what I need without trakt.
Here are 3 scenarios off the top of my head.

I am sitting at a bar chatting with someone and they recommend watching a show. No I bring up trakt app and add it to watchlist. What do you do?

Where can I search in stremio to see if I have already watched a show?

Lets say I have been watching NCISI TV show and have watched all episodes up to season 21 episode 5. How do I setup stremio to add the next episode, which isn’t currently available, to stremio?


You need to authenticate trakt scrobbling in the settings page.

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I don’t have or use Trakt, but I assume from @Dak7385 s instruction you have to do that in your online account.
Not sure how I can explain it any clearer for Stremio. I add all my series to my library and they are then listed horizontally. Any ones that have an episode that is available and I have not watched have a number listing the number of available and unwatched episodes on their individual posters, clicking on that poster then opens up all the episodes for example E01 E02 E03, and if I’ve already watched it then it has a checkmark beside the season ✓ E01 for example. If an episode has not yet been released you will see an egg timer :hourglass_flowing_sand: overlay depicting a future release. Highlighting the poster in the season you want shows it’s release date up above. Now if multiple seasons have been released then you see seasons above the episode posters Season1 Season2 Season3 and so on. Clicking on a season then shows the episode posters for that season below the horizontal seasons list and again any you’ve watched will have a checkmark✓. Now if you’ve stopped an episode part way through then Stremio will show a white bar on the bottom of the episode poster showing there is more to watch. You do not need to remember where you left off as the moment you click it and choose a source it automatically starts from where you left off.

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I have no setting in stremio for trakt

Sorry @ed08724 I’m confused. This is what you said above :point_up_2:

Settings> scroll right down the settings page until you see " Trakt Scrobbling".

To the right of that is " authenticate:.
Click on that and it will ask you to grant permission for Stremio to use trakt.

Click yes.

under settings I have

No Trackt Scrobbling

that is in the traktv addon configure, not in stremio setting

You have to go into your account on say a phone or tablet to find and enable the scrobbling. I have Stremio installed on my phone for this very reason. All settings and changes done on line will be applied to all the devices you have Stremio installed on. I forget but if not auto applied then log out of Stremio on your streaming device and then log back in. Stremio is 1.6.10 on my phone and 1.6.7 on my Shield Pro.

If I go to library all that comes up is By Last Watched with nothing under it, even though I have watched at least 10 shows in stremio.
If I click By Last Watched I get nothing.
How do I add a show to it?
How do I see shows I have previously watched?

That isn’t the right spot. Under by last watched you scroll down to series. All your series are listed there. Scroll right for any series you’ve added to your library. So on the left panel you scroll down to highlight “library” and click on it, then click right once to highlight “By Last Watched”, then click down twice to highlight “series” then click right until you find your series poster, then click on that poster to open seasons and episode choices.
If you want to add a series to your library then on the left highlight and click “Discover”, now you will see “Movies Popular Default” and it will be highlighted, click on that. “Movies” will now turn purple and under that you will see the word “Series”, click down pnce to turn “Series” purple and then hit enter, now you have “Series Popular Default” anyone of which can be changed by highlighting them and clicking on them. Now you will see a whole line of series. Anyone of which you can add to your library be scrolling right and clicking on one, it then opens the Seasons and Episode choices, click down once and right once to highlight “Add to library” and click on that. Now it’s in your library.

so how do I see what episodes I haven’t watched and are now available?
Do I have to look at every series and scroll through it.
I just want to see a list of next episodes that are available to watch.

How do I mark 21 seasons of a series as watched without having to go through and individually mark all 400 episodes as watched.

I explained that above in my post already for how to see available ones and upcoming ones. As far as marking a season as watched once again when you have opened a series and seasons shows you highlight a Season then click down to highlight “Mark as watched” and click to enter it. You just have to be adventurous and click your way around in any app to find and learn what to do and how.

stremio has a trakt add on

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I installed the Trakt add on. It retrieved my trakt watchlist but did not update trakt history or progress and did not show trakt new episode list.
I found trakt is built into stremio so I uninstalled the trakt addon and then stremio updated trakt history and trakt progress.

Unfortunately, in neither case did stremio load the trakt new episodes list like in kodi.
I see stremio has a new episode list on my pc but it doesn’t show on my android box or phone. doing a google search shows this is a common problem.
I just have to see what has new episodes on pc and then search for them on my android box. Not an ideal method but do able as long as I am home.

The android box has a continue watching list in stremio but lists shows that are not yet available so I would have to click each of around 60 shows to see if a new episode is actually watchable. Not very useful at all.

The add on is not the same as trakt scrobbling in settings.

Have you actually authorised trakt scrobbling in settings.

As far as your statement " google search shows it is a common problem".
That is not correct.

Whatever settings/ add ons you set up, is automatically synced to any device you use Stremio on.

Just something else to check:

Go to settings on your PC and check the email account you are using.

Then do the same on the device you are using for your tv.

Are they the same?

Yes they are the same. If they weren’t, the same addons and library would not show up.
The stremio new episode issue is a common problem. That doesnt mean its a problem for everyone. Google it.
Sounds like the stremio new episode list shows up for you and others, but not for everyone.