Try fen light or umbrella addons.
I have plenty of sources showing in Stremio but I have noticed that the number of suppliers in the scrapes have diminished greatly. I now see only about 3 or 4 sources. Lots of choices but way less providers.
As others have said try using Umbrella or Infinity which is an Umbrella clone. Tons of 4K, 1080P streams in both. I used The Crew for years but for the past several months have migrated over to Umbrella which is incredibly fast and stable. The Dev makes weekly updates if not more
Try changing your VPN Protocol.
I dont use RD anymore and im getting no buffering at all.
What do you mean by “changing vpn protocols”?
I deleted the crew addon and installed elementum.
It seems that it has trouble with old tv shows.
I too am having trouble with Kodi addons? I have added several addons and get nothing, I install with instructions from Troypoint but I can not get anything to play
I have a firestick, I have a VPN on it, have Downloader, have the newest build of Kodi, I have put on The Crew, Diggz, and Scrubs V2 but can not get anything when I go to play. Can anyone please help me with this.
Welcome @verna2197.
It seems you are trying to get results from free links. Meaning not from a debrid service.
Are you getting an error message or just nothing happens? Are you getting links from your search?
Are you referring to the Diggz Free 99 Addon? There is also a Diggz AIO Free Build.
Any additional info you can give can help us help you.
To be honest i dont usually use the free addons so someone else may be able to better help.
Sorry took so long to answer had family emergency I am now using Diggz free 99 and for some reason I am getting nothing today. Started last night, when I try to play one of my shows it says “Playback Failed. One or more items failed to plwy. Check the log for more information about this message” not sure why and dont even know where the log is.
No worries. Hope all is well with the family.
I tested the free99 app and got the same issue. I dont use the free apps so i dont know how to help with the issue.
Hopefully someone here can help.
Thank you for answering me and thank you for testing this for me too. Guess back to the drawing board to find something else. Not to sure about this cutting the cord thing, I have looked at some and they sys to use a debrid/ I dont even know what that is
No problem.
A lot of terminology can be overwhelming at first and the more i think i know i realize i have no idea. Lol
Free links are still available on kodi and perhaps some other options. However they are not as reliable in quality or quantity as using a “Debrid” service.
Its been a few years since I relied on free links so I cant really say how well they perform now. The kodi build I use still offers a “Free” version for people that still want the option.
The main Debrid services are Real Debrid, All Debrid and Premiumize. They will get you many streams in high quality 4k to cam. The cost varies but at most it is still less than 50 cents a day.
You can use a debrid service with kodi or other apks (stremio, cinema etc). I only use kodi so others can comment on them.
JPM is right. Free links can be few and far between these days. Real Debrid and have become the standard for finding most all of what you are looking for. I, myself, justify the cost of the debrid service since I don’t have to pay that insane amount money to the internet provider.
You might want to take a look at this thread from Troy about Premiumize.
Again thank you do much!
I will check this out. Thank you
Try using Premiumize me instead of RD and see if that helps. You can sign up for I believe it’s a week or 2 trial period without paying too much. I switched over to PM and so far it works very well. Also try Elementum like Troy has recommended. I have no problem with that addon at all.
Well again I am getting nothing. No streams available on Firestick, I have downloaded Scrubs v2, Free99, The Crew and its the same thing on all of them no matter what i have for them. I do have a VPN which is ipVanish, I know some of you said for me to get a real debrid but that is not an option right now. Please help me to be able to see something, Never thought I would say this but I actually miss tv.
Best i can offer is to try the Diggz Free Build.
Not sure if you know how to DL a build but a short explanation for this in Kodi is…
-Add source -
-install from Zip (diggz123)
install from Repository (chef Omega Wizard)
After instal you will be asked if you want to install a build. Click yes.
Select Diggz Xenon Free build and it will install. It may kick you out of kodi a few times during loading.
If needed, seach TP for instructions how to install Diggz build. Just make sure you select the Free version or else you will need a debrid.
I dont use it but it should work.
If you use a vpn try some of the free builds in the 709 wizard. Http://
At the moment i’m trying to download the update of kodi, i thought there was something wrong so i cleard my kodi and im trying to download the version 2. 5 and its not letting me. Im on the downloader, troypoint, kodi 2.5 and its not letting me download.