Elementum Kodi Addon Repository URL


Thanks, Iā€™ll give that a shot. The other is still redirecting, hours later :upside_down_face:

Which file do I want? There are a bunch.

Did you read what it says?

It is always better to use ā€œAll-on-oneā€ zip file to install, it includes all the platforms!

If using a VPN, disconnect temporarily and try again. I just tried 444801 and it is working fine on my end.

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When I install elementum using this method I get ā€œpermissions deniedā€. Why?

Just tried using code 444801 and Iā€™m getting a status message saying

ā€œ an unknown error has occurred. Check your url and connection any ideas on how to trouble shoot?

Trying to download Elementum

Maybe a silly question but did you turn off your VPN before downloading?

Thank you, this worked on my fire stick. I just didnā€™t delete the file when I used downloader and went to install zip file in Kodi and it was there. The Gaia url doesnā€™t work, but this works. Appreciate it


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want to install elementum on my firestick but downloader code 444801 says refused. how can i fix?

go to system then file manager then add source https://repo.gaiakodi.com