Any info would help.
It does not you will have to use Rufus. Plenty of guides on this community to guide you on this process
Please use the search function going forward lots of helpful info.
I only have a ipad. Is it a must to use a computer to format it?
You can get the program Rufus which Troypoint recommends in the Apple store so I assume as long as you can connect the USB drive to your iPad you will be able to format it to Fat32 using the guide
there are some guides online specifically for iPads if you search
I’m not sure why you need any external program tp format a drive using the 4kMax. From what I’ve read the Max will format any non fat32 to just that. At least that’s what this article states.
This video he made says you have to do it through windows.
Well I can’t address that. The article I referred to is the one I’ll use when my max comes, as it is an article specifically about the Max and not the older firesticks that don’t have the necessary programming.
Miki is kinda right it should be easier to do on the newer 4K max, but sometimes you do need to format the drive through a PC or a Mac (I added storage to my Older 4k firestick at the weekend which was over 32gb so i had to format my 64gb drive on a pc for it to work as it wasnt in the Fat32 format)
It says its formatted but none of my apps go onto the usb. Stock or sideloded. My usb size is 250gb
Yes on older firesticks you will need to preformat the usb drive using a computer to fat 32. With the new firestick it comes with programming capable of formatting, reading, and ejecting a usb drive. Guess I will have to do it when it arrives just to make sure the “experts” are correct.
Experts = Ex for unknown and xperts for a drip under pressure. So an expert is an unknown drip under pressure.
I have the 4k max and went through formatting process but apps still dont load to usb
And you formatted it to “internal”? Don’t forget, not all apps will display the “move to usb” option in the settings. It has to be coded in the app by the app coder.
I did remote db shell prior for that usb on my fire4k. Got the kmax and kept the same usb. Would doing the db schell caisenit not to format to fat32. And yes i did everything correctly through the 4kmax
Sorry I can’t understand exactly what you are saying. The spelling mistakes make it read like latin to me. From what I understand you simply plug your stick into the otg cable and the Max will open the USB utility and give you choices like formatting.
Just a reminder…
Not all side-loaded apps will appear on home screen… but in manage apps, theyll have a usb icon
My stik isnt a Max but I can format, read & eject…
(whatever that means)
Did that. Went through the process. Every time i go into settings to usb it keeps asking me to go through the process again. I hit the format to internal device several times.
Sorry I don’t know what to tell you. What is the usb? 2 or 3 and is it a top name like sandisk? Have you tried a new and untouched usb? I’m just throwing ideas at the wall here.
If you’re meaning eject it means that it’s telling the OS that you are about to “unmount” the drive and the OS will complete any “read/write” operations before doing so to prevent corruption.
No Mik…
I was just saying that the Max isnt the only stik with those options… from previous post
There seem to be a problem with Ola Tv… it loads the Ola sign but not loading the channels . At the bottom its saying click on Ola Tv 14 fixed ???