Custom 8GB ram 128GB rom Tv box Android 13 Media Player TX10 pro Smart TVBox Quad Core 5G WIFI 4K Set-Top Box android tv box

Just take a screenshot of the order showing 8+128 specs.

Its been 1 month today and they are still somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

At this point i am hoping they got lost so i can just get my refund without the ā€œmediationā€ but the damn estimated delivery is 10/31.

Alibaba will be Alibyebye after i am finished with this transaction.


Your SOL with the Port strike now!

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I thought that was only east coast and gulf coast. Is west coast affected with the strike too? Its supposed to get transferred to Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Eventually.

Itā€™s coming in the west coast then you should be okay. But if the strike lags on theyā€™ll be busy!

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Miki I sure hope you didnā€™t have to type that all in. :rofl:

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Mine finally arrived yesterday and I would have been better off if they never did.

Submitted my refund request today. Lets see how it goes.

For some reason i could only request back the amount of the products and not the taxes. Anyone else have this too? Did you get the full anount in the end?

Put it on eBay and sell it!!

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Same here. Looks like I paid $12.96 and got $11.00 refunded. First and last time Iā€™ll ever use Alibaba for a box

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Or skip the next trip to Starbucks!

Yeah very disappointed with the service and experience. Let alone the product.

For me its Alibyebye!

Not worth the hassle to deal with unknown lying vendors overseas again. At least Amazon, which has its own problems, has a very easy return process.


I just gave up trying for a refund. think the box was being sold thru different vendors and mine was just being a hardass. I got 2 and only opened one to try, so one brand new one. Itā€™s my piece of junk box and wonā€™t use it as primary. I paid only $20 for both so itā€™s not a big deal. I wouldnā€™t sell it on ebay because I wouldnā€™t want to be that guy who sells crap boxes. Too many of them already


Still waiting for closure on the refund. If Iā€™m out of $ so be it. But i will never recommend Alibaba and will warn people on here not to deal with them. Iā€™ll make an exceptio with the iptv service as it seems to be cooperative although not really great.

how much do you guys think that bluetooth remote that comes with is worth?
seems to be worth about 15US as i hunt around for similar ones?
i put a kodi build and a couple iptv providers on it and my grandson luvs it? lesson learned but for like 12US i made a lemon into lemonadeā€¦i know alot of peeps are sore about losing 12 buckā€™s? but thatā€™s what testing new hardware and software is all aboutā€¦lol
at least i didnā€™t spend like 400US on a buzzkillā€¦ya feel me?

Absolutely lesson learned. For me its the deception of the product specs than the actual tx10. Had the description been accurate and someone said ā€œhey for $11 its a so so box but dont expect muchā€. I probably would have passed. Let alone buy 2.

Instead we got lied to by the seller and jumped at something we didnt really know. But at $11 ($22 for me) it was worth the risk at the time for the potential reward. I should have waited for reviews.

How Alibyebye handles their customers complaints/refunds is telling of them. Shouldnt need to do a dog and pony show for a refund. If you get it at all.

Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)

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So sorry you lost 20 bucks and where unsatisfied.iā€™ll buy that remote off you for 9US right now? me


I dont need any pity post. I can afford the loss.

Ill hold onto the remotes. Maybe they will come in handy one day. If not they will waste away in a box with the rest of my old gadgets, gizmos and cables.


OK but if you decide to sell one pm me

How can you seriously defend this product. Itā€™s total Shi$ and total deception by the Seller. Who cares if the remote works.


Dude?..not defending anyone,youse take your chances as everyone in this hobbyā€¦same offer to youā€¦if you want to sell that bluetooth remote? iā€™ll buy it