Amazon update blocks Fire OS 3rd party ADB use

dont think it works now due to amazon adb update

Oh ya. That’s yet another aggravation. I still have a bunch of 4k max brand new and unopened collecting dust in a drawer. I quit using them almost a year ago now. i even have powered hubs for them. Oh well. Life happens.

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Yes I have tried it with ADB debugging On and Off, same result.

i dont think its going to work again amazon have stopped adb

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My Bad…I shoulda stayed out of a firestick thread…I used to defer to Miki but now hes gone shield after much pain :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:… So I need a new firestick guy/gal to refer to. :face_with_monocle:

all help is useful we all learn all the time thats why this site is so good :+1:

The beauty of Troypoint is we all know a little of sumthin and that usually gets you the help you need… Troypoint needs a new job posting for “Firestick Figure out’er” :joy:

lol ive always used them they do the job if used correctly

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Ok I will now defer to you, This takes the pressure off Miki so he can watch more sports :+1:


Thank you all for your responses. Hopefully Troy will figure out either a work around or another debloat tool

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I have a couple brand new 4k Max as well.

What did you switch to?

Everybody’s favorite. The Walmart onn but, my every day android box is the kinhank G1.

Hi, im wondering if the easyfiretool app is getting blocked from doing its thing ? I was setting up a new FS for a friend who has no experience with doing any of this sort of stuff and i made sure all the settings were correct, the ip address, the adb and on the same network . Its coming up no connection ,ive used another method to install the apps needed but was wondering if this way isn’t working anymore??all help is great appreciated

if it uses adb debugging it wont work amazon have stopped adb

Thanks for the reply,ive not had to do anything to my fs for ages and its the first time ive used the easyfiretool since . Thanks

Thanks,i must’ve been looking in the wrong section for the answer.

I have tried to search this topic with no luck using combinations of key words… Hope someone can offer direction… tried uninstalling…debugging on…Nexus 20.5