Amazon update blocks Fire OS 3rd party ADB use

But it doesn’t affect developer mode and installing Downloader does it?

Only apps that are coded to use the ADB for their functions. Like TDUK cache cleaner and app killer. The posted articles, in this thread, give more details and explanations. Give them a read.


Hey. I found methods to clear cache all at once and kill tasks just like the TDUK app did on the fire devices. I use on phone or computer to do it.

Using Remote ADB app.

To kill all third party apps. Command is:
pm list packages -3 | sed -e “s/.*://” | while read package; do am force-stop $package; done

To clean cache all at once. Only works on OS7. Command is:
pm trim-caches 32G

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If your app relies on adb debugging, it will no longer work.

Not only has Fast Task Killer stopped working correctly, but the TDUK apps are now listed as unavailable. I’m guessing this is Amazon’s doing with recent software updates they’ve made. The only way I can effectively clear the cache now on my firesticks is by rebooting. :frowning:

For the last week I’ve been trying to find out how to fix my toggle Mouse on my fire Cube. Then I ran across a post on another site where it says Amazon has blocked ABD shell. This explains why my mouse suddenly stopped working. I used it all the time, and I can’t believe it has been disabled. Does anyone know if there is a physical Mouse remote that I can buy to use instead? I called Amazon and they filed a request to see if they could reactivate it. I’m not sure I will get any traction from that. However if anybody knows of a brand of mouse or Remote device that I can use instead that would be great. I know they make airmouses remotes that will work with Android but it doesn’t say anything about fire stick.

This thread is literally about exactly your issue. If you read from the top you would have known. I hate Mouse Toggle. IMHO it’s useless. I prefer to use a mini keyboard. You can find lots of info on them using the site search.,
Search Is Your Friend...!

if it runs internal to the device. yes. External ADB still works.

24th of March?? What’s he :smoking:? :joy:

I assume that you have already looked at this thread?
But yes, Amazon seems to be flexing its muscles. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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I wish everyone would read before posting any replies especially replies that offer any solutions

Thanks for the link. Confirms my suspicions. Drat! :frowning:

Hello, I downloaded the TDUK Debloat tool from Troypoint but I keep getting an error saying Connection failed, try re-enabling USB Fire TV settings. There is no USB debugging option on my 4K Stick does anyone know how to resolve this? Thank you

have you enabled developer options?

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also if adb link is running it wont load it normally comes up with a pop up to enable debugging

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The debloat tool stopped working ages ago. Most of the stuff that it use to debloat has become protected modules in the updates.

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you are right @Miki most of the stuff is protected now but it does keep the opening screen less clutterd

Ahh ok. I never recommended it after the protected modules addition by Amazon as so many ppl messed their systems up and couldn’t figure out how to fix it.

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