That’s about $75 cdn for those speeds. I wish, but even with an active VPN my speeds of 150+ seem to be fine for my use. Never any problem. Watching TNF in 4K now. Not one second of buffering.
Nice Miki I am watching TNF as well on a Flawless Sky Sports UK Feed that I watched all last year. Are you watching on TSN or somewhere else
Race communications in California I will be able to get 10,000 Mbps for $120, 1000 mbs for $70, 500 Mbps for $50. And a hard line for $10 a month. They have an exceptional TV streaming rates too.!
I have a 80mbps dsl plan (50.00 /mo) and with vpn get between 50 to 65 mbps. it serves my needs because i’m not a gamer. At times I have up to 4-8 devices connected. I only watch 1080. S
I am currently looking at a couple of fiber options; Century link and Brightspeed. I can get either on for about $50 a month from Centurylink and $65 from Brightspeed and both give a $200 gift card.
Never heard of Brightspeed, but the locals around here for the most part don’t seem to have an issue with them.
I have used CenturyLink before when I lived in Florida. They are not bad and as I noted. They charge $50 for 500 mbps. I think Brightspeed and Century link use the same lines, but not sure.
Anyway, Spectrum up’d my bill by $70 bucks in the last 5 months!
Edit: $30 bucks of that increase was due to the government quit funding that ACP program, but still Spectrum jacked the price up $40 bucks a month themselves.
Spectrum sucks! I had to deal with them for years because they were the only game in town. when I cut the cord I still had to pay a ton for crappy 100 Mbps service…Finally about 3 years ago AT&T Fiber came into my area which allowed me to Fire Spectrum. I pay $55/month for 300 Mbps from AT&T Fiber and consistently get 370-380. I’d be all over your $50 for 500 Mbps deal!
I am doing a little experiment at the moment. I am running my whole house internet via my hotspot connection.
I am getting a consistent 60Mbps to 90Mbps speeds running with my SS VPN and 3 devices all active at the same time. So far, I haven’t experienced any issues.
I have unlimited mobile data from Spectrum and pay them $45 a month. So, I am wondering if maybe I can go that route and not have any internet service and just run off my mobile hotspot. I am not sure what kind of equipment I need if any? I would think I would need to at least have a modem/router combo or a modem and a router.
I just bought a new car with all that fancy “Infotainment Center” and I connected it via my hotspot. That got me to thinking about using a hotspot for my home stuff. My car doesn’t have a modem or router that I am aware of. So, I am wondering exactly what equipment I would need to set up house.
Btw, I have been running all my internet needs off of my mobile hotspot since 6:00 A.M. ET. and have not experienced one bit of buffering. However, the true test would be a football weekend test.
EDIT: I just got done chatting with a Spectrum rep and was told my hotspot is only good for 5 gigs and is not unlimited. So, back to plan A and either I will go with CenturyLink or Brightspeed for my home internet needs.
I agree with @MarkxG At&t fiber is great. I had the same previous one, horrible!
I checked AT&T but they are not available in my area.
I got a free 3-month wifi trial with AT&T for my car and was hoping I could bundle my car and my home, but no can do.
I’ll just use my mobile hotspot for my car and not buy the AT&T sub.
Now you may or may not want to do this but…I do this song and dance with spectrum every year or two.They raise rates I call and say I want to cancel,they immediately switch me over to retention and make promotional offers.It saves me a lot of money,most of the time I get offers the same as they offer new customers,which imo should be the way it is.Loyalty should count for something.Throw in some of those competitor offers and they should offer you a pretty sweet deal.
Yeah, I will give that a shot. I have until October 10th to do something.
Spectrum is only option here in this new development in Florida, otherwise I would’ve stayed with frontier- never had problems, etc. I went for the 300mbps and it’s all we need- 3 tvs streaming IPTV, 2 work from home computers, etc. when I do my random speed tests- it varies and can be running less than 100mbps (hate spectrum) and everything connected at those times still seem to work well, especially no buffering. With that said- my random speed tests will also show I’m at speeds at almost 400mbps occasionally- which is always a bonus. I think you’d do fine with 100mbps based on what you are running, especially with Spectrum being so bi-polar- call their bluff on the overkill and try it out. I do find that the only time I have been buffering (obvious enough to know that they are throttling on purpose) is when I don’t manually set my DNS provider and it reverts back to ISP (spectrum) by default (sometimes when I update my router or mess with settings it defaults my selection without me knowing until I have to investigate and realize that is the only thing that’s makes sense why all my IPTV services were buffering) After I enter my preferred DNS back into router and save- problem immediately goes away after restarting. I love Quad 9 DNS.
Call me a pessimist (and I really am I suppose) but will an IP not just tell you why they are so great? If you’ve got questions there’s probably more honesty and good advice/experience on this forum than an IP trying to sell you their product.
Do you not use comparison sites?
Normally standard practice in the UK when they try to raise prices every year, to haggle or switch providers.
This may help,
Not a lot of options where I live.
Couple years ago I used to do that with AT&t. They had a chat line on the bill website. They got rid of it had too many complaints high cost. Now the best I can get is $20. What a joke! I’m waiting for race communications to start hooking us up in the block. Get rid of AT&t!
I swear that AT&T is the devil lol.Worst company I ever dealt with bar none.
My choices are with fiber CenturyLink, Brightspeed, and T-Mobile.
I guess I can get Starlink, too, but the pricing is not acceptable. All the other cannot get or the Mbps speeds are too low for my taste.
I will either go with #1 CenturyLink or #2 Brightspeed.
Btw, Spectrum offered no incentives to keep them.
really?did you ask to speak to retention,or say the magic word (cancel) my service?
Another secret they don’t tell you about is that you are considered a new customer after 30 days of no service with them.So basically you could cancel try someone else for a month,then be considered a new customer,with all the promotional offerings.