VPN & Safety Dot

Maybe I’m not getting something here.
During the time when my device was either off or asleep, depending on which device, and I get a glitch in my internet connection which makes the kill switch disable SS VPN connection.
After that point I turn on the device and I see a green flashing Monitor Dot. If I went into SS I would see that now the Monitor Dot is Red and I need to reconnect to the VPN.
My question is: Shouldn’t the Monitor Dot be flashing Red when I turn on the device to inform me there is no VPN connection. Why would it be left up to chance whether I open SS and then find the problem.
My next line of thinking is if: I turned on the device saw the green flashing dot and proceeded to download something, I would probably find that my internet had been disabled by the kill switch and I need to go int SS to solve that problem.
I guess my question is why is the dot showing green at startup when at that point there is a problem that would be obvious if the dot were flashing red.

There isn’t a problem. The dot does not monitor your internet connection it is a VPN Safety Dot and only monitors when your VPN app is running. So if your VPN is on then it is green, no matter whether the Kill Switch is active or not. So in this case you are protected as theVPN app has disabled any internet traffic and the Safety Dot is green. Once the kill switch is off and an internet connection is established, the safety dot will briefly show red as you now have unprotected internet traffic until such time as you connect to a VPN server using your app, and obtaining a new internet address.

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