Virus Total 2.5 on Nvidia Android—"No Internet Connection"

The 2.5 version of Virus Total from the TroyPoint Store won’t scan. Message: “No Internet Connection”. Had to revert back to the much older version from Un-Linked. Not sure the older version provides access to all current malware.

I always use their online scanner, its more up to date with the latest definitions.
VirusTotal - Home

I am getting the same “error: no internet connection”? I have turned off the vpn and let the vpn on but still get the message? Any ideas?

Unplug Ethernet and use WiFi instead and it will work.

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Thank you, Troy. My Shield is hard wired to my router with a firewall between it and the Internet/modem. I set it up that way intentionally. I did shut off my VPN but, as ‘Garimondo’ added, it made no difference. I do use some Wi-Fi in my home but not with the Shield, and I’m reluctant to do that. It seems odd to me that the older versions of VirusTotal work just fine using an Ethernet cable. Anyway, I greatly appreciate all you do for the community, but I’ll look for another option. All the very best to you.

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Will an update address this issue?

Thanks Troypoint. I have the same problem. I’m connected by Ethernet.

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Unfortunately, I can’t find in the thread who it was who suggested this APK from APKTime (Tools—Malwarebytes v3.14.0.83 [Premium] Updated : 22-Apr-2023), but it seems to be working well for me after a week of running it.

I’ve used malwarebytes for 4 years now and have it installed on all my devices.


I agree with Miki I have had malwarebytes on everything I have for years and am very happy with it


Upon @Miki 's praise, I also tried Malwarebytes about 8 months ago and have been using it ever since.


Hi Miki!!
Im trying to install malwarebytes on my firestick 4k max. I can’t find it in the appstore or any of the other sources i have. Can you give me a place i can find it to install?


Hey I installed it. But when I open it ,does nothing but a picture ? How does work?

On both my Shield Pro and phone I simply click the app shortcut, it opens then auto updates the database and when that’s done a scan now button is displayed I click that and it scans.

Does malwarebytes require mouse toggle ?

Not really but it does make it easier. I use a mini KB connected to my devices via a dongle. Bluetooth KBs are also an excellent choice. Have fun and STREAM ON!!!

Papa is there a cost for malwarebytes?

I use the free version. You can pay for a premium sub and have way more options including real time scanning.

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Thanks Miki. I’ll give it a try.

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