TROYPOINT Not in Top 10 Useful Apps Now - "Crap is an u uderstatement"

If the guy would have asked nice. I would have posted the mouse toggle fix.

One frequent characteristic of the human condition is that it is prone to error. Correction is called for here and was accomplished in an appropriate fashion. My only disappointments were the number of comments resorting to name calling which accomplishes nothing but extending what should have been a short discourse.

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Well you can always watch The view!

Sorry not Sorry, heā€™s an A$$Hole. And Iā€™m going to call him out on that

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Troypoint I have learned so much from you and for anyone to speak to you or text to you the way that this person did was Completely out of line. Keep doing what youā€™re doing. Thereā€™s a lot of people that really appreciate your help including me.!


Everyone has been very helpful on this site! Wow I donā€™t think when you are rude to someone who feeds you knowledge everyday is going to get you very far. There is a thing called karma.
This is a Be Nice Site!

He broke the number one rule, itā€™s okay to disagree but itā€™s not okay to show disrespect. Besides probably never see him again. Guys come on here either start an argument or talk crap and then you never hear from him again. We call them cell warriors.

He may be, but you are not ADDING to the conversation. You are simply batting flies. Take a breath and count to 10 lad. Troy handled the situation appropriately.

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