TROYPOINT Not in Top 10 Useful Apps Now - "Crap is an u uderstatement"

TROYPOINT: My goto for streaming info.

You might have better luck buying those loaded Android boxes. Then who are you going to complain to then the Chinese. When they hack your system and your information. No pain no gain.

I totally agree with your comment, some people are just so ungreatfull there’s not enough free stuff in the world to make them happy… (keep doing your good work Troy)

That’s biblical, Proverbs 17:28

"Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent,

and discerning if they hold their tongues."

Who knew. :laughing:

i think he should have taken more water with it :rofl:

Avoid loud and aggressive people; for they are a vexation to the spirit!


Oh dear This Topic has been solved, but rather than just accept you are wrong, you should read other topics on any problem you have glean the information, then compare it against answers on other web sites, then come back and apologise for you rudeness, or just get possibly defective information from those other sites.

I think you will find that a web site such as this, is the effectiveness of the sum total of all the forum members and not just the spurious information you have decided to read.

Completely uncalled for rant on your part, with no possible reason for acting in such a manner.

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Now this was funny. Thanks for the morning dose of stupidity.

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drop firesticks, go with an onn android box!

You have all just witnessed what an uninformed, no facts at all person sounds like…enjoy

Was that Taffy blue or Daffy duck can’t tell. Anyways he sounds like to me he has that udder disease. That’s when you go cow tipping at night and a cow falls over on your head causing mental displacement and damage.! LOL

i would think he is really busy trying to change his log in details :rofl:

That would be the best udder decision!

Thank you Troypoint for all you do.

Dude must have been smoking. stay off the weeD… :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:

lol reminds me of some of those up in DC

As I say often, Not all people Suck, but the Ones that DO, Really Suck!!!

What an ungrateful entitled idiot. Just say thank you for all that they have done for the streaming community for years , that you probably as I have benefited from you act like a petulant child and attack the fine people at Troypoint. Well to Troypoint I say thank you , and to you I say FO.

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