Trouble with The Crew Repository

How long does the update usually take?

Watching Super Bowl pregame but just tested a few shows on The Crew and everything working fine on my end. I have auto update enabled and tried a manual update but the version was still the same. Version 2.0.6.

Still having the same issue. Nothing in the repository, same as the original poster was experiencing

I have the same problem. Hope it comes back. I really miss their Program Addon for adjusting the buffer.

Which crew addon does this buffer adjustment?

Negative. I just installed the latest Kodi on new Firestick. When I tried to download the .zip file, it was not there. Guess I’ll try Seren

The link above auto downloads the zip. At least it does on my phone, Pixel Tab, and Shield Pro.

I tried it on a blank kodi fork. The link is accepted when you Add Source but when you try to Install From Zip and click on repository is doesnt download.

I guess the update changed something.

Yeah, im still having the same issue. No zip file for the crew. Super lame

Haven’t a clue but it’s a 2.9 MB zip so I Don’t have kodi, but assume you download the zip to your device, and then point kodi to where you downloaded the zip.

Have the same issue here… have to work it.

I dont know either. I use a build and was just trying to help them out.

As a temporary solutuon, if anyone wants to they can install the Diggz Xenon Plus Build (search on TP for install steps). It comes preloaded with The Crew and other addons you can add if you like.

I am sure other builds have it as well, i just dont know which ones.

Did as recommended and downloaded the file with downloader program to the Firestick, then opened Kodi and installed from the downloader folder and voila! The Crew is there. :smiley:

Can you give the others your step by step solution?

Not exaxtly sure what process you were referring to but glad you found the solution.

Program addon, The Crew Wizard has a setting for that. :+1:

Ok, let me break this down easy:

  1. Open this link with Downloader app in the Firestick: []

  2. Once downloaded, keep it there and don’t open it yet.

  3. Open your Kodi. What you are going to do is to open Addon section and where you see install from zip file click there.

  4. Once opened, go to the external storage and click there, it will open a list and go where the Downloader folder is. Open it and you’ll see the zip file there.

  5. Click on the .zip file and follow the instructions to install the addon and then update from the repository and that will do the trick. Hope I explained clearly.

Tx @jos2 I was hoping someone who uses Kodi would jump in to explain how to use the link I posted. Again, tx.

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I tried your steps and I made it to External Storage option. However i dont have the zip file from Downloader.

I click Download then Downloader and its empy.

When i go to Downloader it is there in the files.

The only difference i see is Downloader saves it to Sdcard/download/downloader…

Kodi External Storage takes me to Storage/emulated/0/Download/downloader

I cant find SDcard files location in kodi.

I am only trying to learn this way. I already have the crew in my build.

Hopefully others may find it helpful if we can figure this out.

Let me take some pics and I’ll uploade this. Hold on.