Tivimate subscription

Hello everyone I ́ve been using Tivimate for several years. When I first purchased it, I selected yearly payments. I paid yearly for 3 years. Now when I went to renew, I wanted to change my purchase from yearly and get lifetime, onetime payment. Google play would not let me purchase lifetime. It would let me pay yearly again and not lifetime. I did pay for a lifetime membership for a family member using my paypal through google store which was a different name with different email address. I tried to use 2 different email accounts and buy it ,but no success. I tried purchasing it through my buzzbox and was unable. I also tried to pay through firestick but was unable to do so. I even attempted to use bluestacks app, again not able. I contacted Tivimate and they told me google play was stopping the purchase ,not them. I attempted all this at my house using my IP address. If anyone had this happen to them , or similar experience, could you please let me know how you got around it. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

Don’t use google play. Can you use a cc or a prepaid cc? I never use Google Pay. I used my CC.


I’m glad I grabbed the lifetime when I did but if I remember correctly they want you to let it expire before you can get it again. I could be wrong here but that seems to be what I remember.


Not sure if this helps but I saw it somewhere & saved it…

TiviMate Renewal


That makes sense. I went for lifetime at $33/cdn. One of the best decisions I’ve made in my streaming experience. Free live TV + lifetime TiViMate.


I tried using a credit card and a self pay credit card. Google wont let me choose the lifetime offer saying I already purchased lifetime. Thank you for your response.

When I first cut the cord. I wasnt exactly sure what tivimate was. I wish I picked lifetime. I already paid for more than the lifetime price.


I did cancel it in advance and waited until it expired. I purchased the lifetime for a family member one before my account expired. But that was a totally different account. Thanks for your help.

My account is expired. Thanks for your help.

Hey ph…

Maybe try it thru APKpure… it may also still be $24.99 there


Is APK pure and app?

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U downld tivimate (the player) thru APKpure… on yor phone or pc

& it lets you buy from there


This is frustrating. Google dictating what i buy.

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Exactly why I never sign up with Amazon or Google to pay through them.

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Yep…I totally concur :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

My iphone wont let me download apk pure and my chromebook tells me i have to change settings. i tried setting it on my firecube but the view is really distorted and stretched out. i downloaded through downloader

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I did the same. I already paid for lifetime

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If you paid for lifetime and it’s telling you you already bought lifetime then you have to be using the wrong email address. Here is the Tivimate support group. I think your troubleshooting would be better directed there.

TiviMate Chat :uk:


Thank you. I will try it tonight

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Ive created all these accounts once I initially login into my google chromebook. I think the problem is it is only seeing my initial info once i log into google. Im going to try another account google tonight see if that fixes my problem. Thanks for your help

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