Tivimate sold to new developer?

There are a growing number of people who believe Tivimate may have been sold to a new developer.

Many cite the recent updates after a long period of inactivity, the redesign, the change to a Dubai address, and Alex (the developer) not posting a changelog on Reddit, common with old versions.

What are your thoughts on this? Who’s in charge?

Either the old developer was getting pressure to provide updates to a massively trusted software, or he sold it to a new, very active developer with new ideas. Not sure what the truth is, but it is cool to have Tivimate updates regularly, as long as they are actually upgrading the software and not causing more issues.


I heard it was sold some time ago


I know I said this a hundred times, I hope the developers of t i v i mate change a recording time base to record on the name of the show or movie or whatever program to be recorded strictly record by the name not time and date. Can always hope.

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Same dev, same address.
Feature requests> ar.mobile.dev@gmail.com

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Most likely, imho, the first update was to appease Google policy. Google require a developer to be engaged with his app within a years time or face the consequences of having the app removed. Tivimate’s time was up.

The next two updates were to fix the screw-ups.

Personally, I think Alex either sold out completely or sold a portion. The updates seem to be superficial and cosmetic with no beneficial new features added and came with no changelog to speak of.

Further, if this latest update fixes the remaining issues caused by the last recent updates. I doubt we will see any more updates until next year.

Btw, I have sent a few e-mails prior to the initial update and have received canned responses. However, I sent my last email and specifically asked if Alex was still the owner/developer and is actively involved in the project. I received no reply.

Bottom line, Tivimate is a great player the way it is. Yes, it can be improved, but until a new player comes along that can best Tivimate. Then I will continue to use Tivimate.

So, keep your eyes open for that elusive “perfect” iptv player!

Btw, I will be testing out that MOL3 in the near future. I have heard great things about it and some even claim it is better than Tivimate. :thinking:


I have mol3 and it is nice, but not better than tivimate…at least not yet. But the more I use it the better I like :upside_down_face:


Until someone creates a MOL3 equivalent available to all boxes like Tivimate, I can’t see how it could possibly be ranked over Tivimate. I do think it is cool and has really nice features, but can’t expect everyone to purchase $200 Formuler boxes to just get that software.


I agree, I wish mol3 was an app you could purchase like tivimate. What I like is although its a Formuler product is that it is in active development. Any good iptv needs that in order to keep up.

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Oh I agree, and maybe for all the reasons listed above is why Tivimate is now being updated. Google probably did force an update, as the app was stagnant for a long time, but there likely has to be a newer, more hungry developer associated with Tivimate that understands that software like MOL3 is a threat. Not sure what degree that person owns it or is involved like PF mentioned above, but as things in the IPTV world change, apps need to follow suit.

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As of 4 days ago Alex is still the sole dev from my research but doesn’t get on line much as he get’s inundated by mundane complaints. His feature request e:mail is above. He closed his Reddit account and delisted his comments. Yes he does have a place in Dubai. Last verified comments I saw were referencing the need for some personal space due to family issues and noting he is still the sole dev and yes he has plans for more updates. But as I mentioned those comments were 4 days ago and have disappeared since and threads closed.


The real truth will come out eventually LOL. These shotgun updates aren’t anything like we have experienced with him, so I can understand the rumors about another party being involved. I don’t really care as long as the app stays at the top of its class.


I am only speaking to the player itself/ Being a proprietary player doesn’t make it a bad player. It just limits who can use it.

However, I do agree, MOL3 would get better attention if it were offered for other devices. But that is the Formuler marketing strategy. I believe they don’t even offer it on all their devices. I believe it is only available on two of them.

I agree fully. To much cloak and dagger but that doesn’t matter as long as it works. That’s all that matters to me. I just find all these dev comments amusing.


The other ones still have MOL2 I thought?

Some do, but that other model [GTV?] I don’t think has any MOL at all.

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Anybody wants to try the Formuler app for phones and tablets, here it is :point_down:


Let us know how you like it @PapaS

How is BuzzTv P5 player compare, and I read the P6 is supposed to be even better when and if it is released.

I think you mean the U5. The latest one with all the top line Buzz bells and whistles, is the P6 which is heads and shoulders above the U5.