I had never done this before. The paid service I recently quit used to be a m3u service only, with some apps I really liked. But they kept shutting down. So the last time they got back on line, they dropped the m3u service and went to the xml or whatever you call it. I did not like it in the beginning. Then they stopped coming up with new apps. All they have is the one I told you I didn’t like. It uses squares with no previews or anything. I figured I was just wasting my money. I had been following TP for quite awhile. Thats when. So when ever I got a new box I always asked him questions about setting things up etc: And most of the other services I used were m3u. Troy would always say something good about TiviMate, so a month or so ago, I watched his video on how to install TiviMate. But I didn’t know I could use it to do things like you guys are showing me. I have a couple of other apps I had to set up using that xmlt thing, but m3u seemed to work better for me. When you would tell me to contact you in the PM, I figured you meant send you a message tomorrow. Now is see in your above message you say see your PM’s for a step by step process. So I have been sitting here wondering what PM stands for.
An .xml is an epg. So, you would install that code on the epg sources-add source in your Tivimate.
Pm means private message. A pm is only visible to you.
I will check again later this morning and get back to you.
Ok thanks, now I know what PM means, and thanks for the .xml tip.
Good luck! and do some independent research. Google is your friend!
I am trying to do some things on my own. Since I no longer use a paid iptv service, I installed a free service. I tried to use one of the m3u url’s I have, but they don’t work. I tried to use the XTREAM codes way but it ask me for a url, a username, and a password. I don’t have that info: any more. Got any ideas I can try ?.
Without UN & PW you have to enter in the m3u category only. I just went through all my 17 FREE playlists and every one of them loaded and played, and most displayed an epg guide.
I don’t know what to tell you that I haven’t already conveyed to you. Maybe you should consider an inexpensive pd service? You can find them for &5-$8 bucks per month and will have more than you will ever watch.
OK, sorry to have bothered you.
Forgive me if this has been mentioned, but the clickable link has one too many 't’s in the address. The photo has the correct one.
Thanks for the heads up. Fat finger typing…
Corrected m3u
or you could just download from playstore and watch all channels without that a
timeout thingy
What are you referring to?
I’m trying to find a playlist with the “True Crime Network”
The pelicanhosting one is not working. Looking for a different source. THANKS
You know that true crime network is ota
I do TXRon buy my signal is weak and sometimes unwatchable. I did have a playlist with it and somehow lost the playlist and can’t remember which one it was. I’ve tried a bunch but none have the t.c. network.
Is it a pay site cause I just went on line to their site and found a ton of stuff that played on my phone. I’ll check my silk browser on the firestick.
So I was able to start “Medical Examiner” S01 E01 and it played perfectly.
I cant get the show on T.C.N. Live plus it’s on at 4 AM so I really need to find a playlist with it that works so I can record it on my TiviMate. Thanks in Advance. I believe it was on one of the Origional Troypoint Lists of M3u’s But that list has dissappeared. Wish I would have copied it to a file and saved it.
Any help would be appreciated.
try looking in here>> https://www.apsattv.com/rok.m3u
or here>> https://www.apsattv.com/klowd.m3u
or maybe Here>>> i.mjh.nz/us.m3u8 at master · matthuisman/i.mjh.nz · GitHub
The problem we who look for these channels is there really is no definite index in which to look, Sometimes you just need to jump in and dig around.