Stremio addon info and help

Here is a valuable link to assist anyone on installing things like Torrentio, Torrentio lite and Orion into Stremio. You can do this from any device you have Stremio installed on by going to the “Settings” links in a browser and installing from there. Your settings and addons are never installed directly onto your device but can be accessed using any device with Stremio installed. In other words, once I have Stremio completely configured I can come to your house and if you have Stremio installed I can open it, log you out and log into my account and immediately my entire collection of movies and Series, along with all my addons and other settings will load, without the need to configure anything.

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That list/site is golden golden

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I went to the tutorial links you provided but I have been unable to install any of the Great List. The fault is all mine - I am not knowledgeable enough to follow the examples. I have linked RD with Torrentio through the TP tutorial.


On the list when you open it there are “links” . Clicking “settings” on any device that you have Stremio installed on will open the form to fill out with an install link. Now if trying to add the API key you should do this on a laptop, computer or other device that has Stremio installed on it.
Here is another way:>>>>

Stremio Community Addons

Not all community addons are available in Stremio’s internal addon catalog.

To load the community curated addons list in Stremio on your current device (presumes you have Stremio installed), simply press this link!

Alternatively, a secondary way of loading the community curated addons list in Stremio is by copying

And pasting it in the search field on the addons page inside Stremio.

To view our summary of the curated addons list, you can go here

Also reading this will help you understand Stremio.

Works to give access to load torrentio, among other addons.
So I install the torrentio addon.

On either my 4K Stick or my ONN device, the torrentio form does not respond to my inputs for anything except chosing torrenting sources…I mean nothing, using either the remotes or a usb keyboard. The fields on choosing a language, priorities for quality or seeds and a debrid service do not activate, period.

This is my 2nd attempt with Stremio and it just has been too much trouble. I’m not an expert, but I’m far from being a beginner. So I’m done with it for now & would not recommend it to anyone.



I wouldnt say not to recommend it, i have it installed on all my devices without issues. It does work. Torrentio needs a browser to install and plugin rd. I think people just want plug and play stuff without any work. As soon as something becomes a littlw bit of trouble they give up.

There is other options it just depends on what you want.

Totally free? Or something with real debrid.


It’s worked for me for years and literally hundreds of Firesticks. Not sure why installing it in Stremio addon search and clicking search would not bring up the addon install. Wish I could be there to walk you through it as it really isn’t that difficult. I’ve even walked some older insiders through the process successfully and they were not tech savvy at all.

This is the easiest method on a computer or laptop that you have stremio installed on.

Tried again this morning.
Cleared data, went through the steps, got to the form and it’s still not responsive.

So I uninstalled and reinstalled Stremio.
Of course Torrentio is not on the community list.

Next I use the same browser to get the danamag.github link, same as I did yesterday.

The site shows a bunch of jibberish. Tried another browser, this time Puffin. Still jibberish.

I do not have a windows or apple computer to use remotely. I have a Linux Mint machine.

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The addon installed.
It’s just that the form to fill in the language, sorting preference, or to select a debrid option does not respond.
Click on a field and nothing happens.

You don’t put this link in a browser,
I put the instructions on what to do with it in the same post with that link. So here they are again.

Alternatively, a secondary way of loading the community curated addons list in Stremio is by copying

And pasting it in the search field on the addons page inside Stremio.

I found a Linux version.
I will try getting Torrentio and debrid working with that.

My mistake :smile_cat:
I’ll try again.

No problem. I assume you’re on an android device?

Same problem. The form doesn’t respond to any input method on the Android box.

It was the same deal yesterday with the Firestick.

I’ll try using the Linux machine.

And the TP guide needs updating.
The “clear data” step removed the Torrentio addon. When I tried that.

Ya clearing data will clear it. I don’t understand as I can get the page in Chrome and it’s fully interactive on my Android phone.

Android TV 10 OS.
Is what I was trying with right now.

I’m trying the Linux machine.

Oh, the form is active on my Chromebook, phone etc, but that doesn’t do any good.

I got Torrentio loaded on my computer.
I’ll see if it is added on the Android box.

But on the firestick when you load the catalogu list you get Torrentio with an “install” green bar, then to the left of that is a gear icon for “configure”. Clicking that will open it in your browser. Once installed you don’t have to use the RD API key if you don’t want. Stremio finds all sorts of sources and links even without Real Debrid.

That’s exactly what I did…the resulting form s unresponsive on both the ONN and the Firestick.

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I tried a few of the links, but they aren’t as reliable as the Kodi addons with RD.