I am near capacity on my Firestick. I tried the hack using the splitter and a flash drive, but it will never recognize my flash drive. I have tried multiple flash drives with the same result. Any suggestions?
Start deleting apps you don’t need. Sticks only have so much space and are not very reliable for doing what you are attempting. Keep them clean and light and they will run great but if you fill em up. No good.
If you are using the 4k max, its best to allow the firestick to format external drive. My 4k max wouldn’t recognize a drive formatted on a differrent device.
I really don’t have that many apps on the device. It is working fine, but if an app I use does an update and increases the space needed, I will run out of room soon.
Thank you. Is there any particular type of flash drive that is needed for it to work on the Firestick?
I only use SanDisk 3.0 32GB. Others brands probably will work as well. Also, I keep at least 1.5 gb of internal space free. Amazon is always loading my bloatware with their update.
Eventhough you load apps on an external drive. Some data from those apps use internal space as well. I’m not sure how much space.
Thanks. When I get a new flash drive, just put it in the splitter and let the firestick format the flash drive?
Forgot to mention my firestick is a 2021 version and had to use an OTG cable. I have attached TP instructions on expanding storage using OTG cable. I reccommend reading it through. It has addition useful links enbedded in the article.
Hope info help
I much preferred a powered hub as then I have more options. More ports for stuff and not having to rely on the stick for power to run those peripherals was important to me.
I have used SanDisk and Samsung sticks, I have always had to put a FAT file system on it, I use an old Linux box to do that as it’s easy. That might not be required for the Max stick but I don’t know, don’t have a Max. Then when it’s seen I format for storage. Good luck!
Hey @Miki , which one(s) do you use. My Mays gave up the ghost, I need to order a new one, can’t believe I stumbled across this at just the right time
I use the Smays X001UTADAN. With this unit I like the fact that if setting up the Stick to be well hidden I can use the Ethernet port to hard wire to my modem and even though the micro usb only allows 480 throughput (If I remember correctly) that is still faster than the usual 100 you get with the Amazon adapters. Did that for one guy as his modem was in another room and inside a cabinet. Worked perfectly.
Thanks for the info.