I’ve been having issues with buffering on my 4k firesticks. Mostly when using IPTV live TV. I’ve tried just about everything I can think of. Reset my Router, cleared cache, power cycled the sticks, Uninstalled/re-installed App, and tried with VPN (NORD) on & off.
I have a 1.5Gb fibre internet service to my router and according to my providers management tool I do have 1.5 Gbps Down/935 Mbps up.
When i test with Analiti its really wierd, I get 0 download speed/80 Mbps up. It shows the quality is good but again, no speeds. Very odd.Processing: 20230302_122040.jpg… Uploading: 20230302_122256.jpg…
I also used another speed tester and got an average wireless speeds of 162.77 down/197.4 up.
So when testing with Analiti i get 0 down speeds but can still stream live TV (will still buffer after a minutes). I just dont get it?
Is this a Firestick issue? Any ideas would be appreciated. At my wits end with my Firesticks.
Try using a browser and go to speedtest.com and testing that way. To be honest analiti has always been my goto tester as I find it has the best results. Refer to dracs post on buffering as well as making vpn changes in protocols and locations. Just a few tweaks and you should be good.
Thanks Ill check it out. Thanks for the quick response. BTW. ive run the Analiti quite a few times both VPN on/off and at different times Same results give or take.
It can do better than 100 if on WiFi and have good equipment and open spaces. If on Ethernet then yes the Firesticks only have a 10/100 switch so you’ll get 100Mbs down max with ether.
Hi sailorboy22, I had the same problem as you and everything I tried did nothing to fix the speed. Then somebody recommended Wifi Fix and it solved my problem right away. I use it about once a week and it helps to keep everything working the way it should. You can find this app in the Amazon search app. This app didn’t work for everybody but it’s easy enough to try it out.
Wifi Fix did work on some FireTV Cubes but on my 4K Max it actually messed up my internet. I had to “forget” my connection and then go back into the network settings and add my network connection. So if you have anything over 35Mbs down with 10 up you’ll be fine.
Did 2 tests using Speedtest on 1 of my Firesticks and averaged 145Mbps. Thanks. That explains why I can stream live TV. Now gotta figure out whats causing all the buffering. Thanks.
I’ve definitely been kicking that idea around. I just followed some of Draacos suggestions one of them was to change VPN Protocols and so far seems to be streaming live TV for now. Wait and see how it stands up now.
I did change to UDP and now seems to be streaming Live TV ok. Hasn’t buffered at all since. Approximately 2 hours now without a blip. So, thanks for the help. I hope this was the solution. I am also going to continue with some of your other suggestions to streamline my Firestick .
This has been going on with Nord vpn for several weeks now…kinda’ surprised they haven’t fixed it yet. Most people would be fine for 2 minutes then the buffering would start…the fix ended up being changing to UDP or TCP. Hope the change to these protocols gives you proper speeds & keep the buffering down to a bare minimum…GL2U