SERIES: The Outsider


Is there a new season of this coming?I watched the first season back during the pandemic and enjoyed it.

not that I know of

Iā€™m glad you posted this. It looks promising and Iā€™ve never even heard of it. Iā€™ve long run out of things to watch and itā€™s rare any really good new content comes outā€¦

Its pretty good. I watched the 3rd episode last night. Wont say much more so not to spoil it but like you I have a tough time finding anything decent now days.

What I hate are these stupid series that only have 6 to 8 episodes. Ya just get into the characters and the story and theyā€™re done. Now Iā€™m seeing some series with the ads stripped and theyā€™re just 20 minutes long. Or you get into a series and after 8 episodes the season ends and the next season doesnā€™t release for a year or two. Most are nothing more than a feature length movie cut into pieces for commercial TV. Slim pickings these days.
Happy July 1st everyone.


Yeah, the last thing you mentioned about having to wait I donā€™t guess really ever happened to me until recently. Thereā€™s a series called ā€œFromā€ and itā€™s one of the best series Iā€™ve ever seen but everyone is waiting on season 3 now and based on the past two seasons it should be coming up but it only airs for like a quarter of a year and it stops. When youā€™re into something that much 9 months is a long time to wait. Iā€™m just glad I know for sure thereā€™s going to be a 3rd season because no matter how good something is, sometimes something happens and itā€™s incomplete which pisses me off more than anything. I would recommend it to anyone even though itā€™s kind of a horror series to an extent and a lot of people arenā€™t into horror but it just appears that way. Really itā€™s more of a mystery/drama. Whatever you want to call it, itā€™s definitely worth watching.


The Writers Strike is one of the Main reasons a lot of Series have been delayed. Takes them a While to gear back up after having such a long strike. Should be seeeing a lot of new seasons of existing shows in upcoming Months. What I do is rewatch the last episode from the previous season before watching the new season. Helps shake off the cobwebs a bit

Yeah, that makes sense. I told my Mom the other day she should watch Manifest and sheā€™s already tried watching it on TV and didnā€™t get into it. I asked if she watched the first episode and she said no. I told her, thatā€™s what sets the tone for the whole series. I know people have different taste but Iā€™ve found over the years thereā€™s more that I like than I thought. I used to would have overlooked Manifest as well but thatā€™s one very well written series. Whoever wrote it had the end figured out at the beginning. That, I like very much because sometimes itā€™s like these people are gearing you up for something incredible with so many twist and turns but at the end you find out they were just stringing you along to keep you captivated but the sum of everything doesnā€™t add up.

But that isnā€™t so any more. Take star trek. A whole new season comes out and then whamo, they cancel it and after a lame ending as well. At first the strikes hindered new episode releases, but maybe Iā€™m just old, but there were always weekly new episodes. Now it could be one new episode every two to four weeks, a few months break, six weeks of new releases, then a break. Rinse, wash, repeat. Unfortunately I see this as being the norm now.

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That is the norm,and will continue to be the norm.They all try to reduce costs so much that it ruins any chance of a good show.

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@Miki You seem to be keeping this thing organized. Have you or anyone thought about starting threads based on genres that are actually good. I can say that from a lot of post that I have read, I think most here have pretty good recommendations and itā€™s hard to find quality films or series anymore without searching through barrels of content first.

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The setup and configuration of the site is in Troyā€™s hands. Iā€™m just a kind of janitor attempting to keep it somewhat organized. The categories cover pretty much anything and anyone can create a new thread under what ever category is appropriate. As always itā€™s evolving over time and ya never know what might be coming.


Between using what new shows are on my IPTV service, Top 10 on Netflix, and Reelgood I have an abundance of Shows in my Trakt/IPTV Que at all Times. Not saying they are all good but a lot are and thatā€™s how I find them. I have way more Shows at any given time that I have time enough to watch. If something isnā€™t good itā€™s gone quickly


Miki The Janitor of The TP Insider!..LOL! :rofl:


Sure, a lot of times my TV is running for nothing more than background noise until something captures my attention and I have to go back and watch it from the beginning. Sometimes Iā€™ll find shows that are practically unheard of that turn in to be damn good but for whatever reason never got the recognition it deserved.


Iā€™d rate you higher that a janitor,perhaps as high as custodian lol

all kidding aside you do a great job miki :wink:


ā€œWe Were The Lucky Onesā€ is a good watch.

Looking for just the good series?

I just did an advanced search using the IMDb app: TV Series or TV Mini Series > 2020s > rated 7+ > English > United States only. Then sorted by popularity and there were 2,940 different Series. You canā€™t watch em all.

And this eliminated thousands of great series from the UK, Canada, NZ and Australia

Then you can use @MarkxG method using ReelGood, which also produces great results!


This is one of my favorites. I was so excited when it came out. Iā€™m a big fan of Stephen Kingā€™s Bill Hodges and Holly Gibney series. Another one to check out is Mr. Mercedes series. Mr. Mercedes


Looks great but from reading the reviews it also seems like one thatā€™s so good itā€™s gonna piss me off because they apparently left out some things in the second season. I didnā€™t get too far into it so Iā€™m not exactly sure what they were talking about. If thereā€™s no ending or conclusion then Iā€™ll be pissed but from what Iā€™ve read season 1 is almost a hard 10.