🟥 Please Search Prior To Posting New Topic!

I tend to think the problem is that people can search and not finding something specific to what they want, in all honesty, and not being lazy, post a question.

Take my own question not so long back.
I typed in alternative to data dot, as a query and the site took me to VPN Monitor Dot on Firestick/Android (VPNSafetyDot Alternative)

Which is not really what I want. Instead of posting a question on the forum, I do as i always do, search the net, which then leads me to other links on Troypoint with alternatives.

In reality any of these alternatives, should show all other alternatives as a help to alleviate the problem of questions being asked.

Given I search in the way I do, then come here, rather than just using the site search engine. I tend not to have to post, finding the information I need at the time.

However I would imagine most people that post either do not see the query hidden on the top right of the page, I would suggest changing this to a search dialog box, or making it more prominent, with the minority posting duplicate questions.

Alternatively a landing page with a search box for your topic of interest, prominent in your face :smiley: