New Firestick Update Caused Streaming to Stop

I don’t know if it is the Firestick or something that corrupted my streaming. Since I installed the TroyPoint updates for my Firestick I cannot stream anything. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Too vague. Walk us through the steps you did and exactly what happened. What apps are not working now?

I received notification to update my firestick. I clicked on the update link

and a new Home/Menu page appeared showing all my apps.

When I click on Xanax build it tales me to that Home page and I then clicked

on Crew or Num3ers. I then clicked on TV Shows and selected a show to watch.

I click on that and wait for Streaming info. I then get a message “No Stream available”.

I don’t know how to explain it better because I have not had streaming since I updated

and don’t remember exactly the steps I took for the update.

That’s not a fire stick issue. The show/movie you choose has nothing available. No links where available for that show so it couldn’t get anything you get that msg.

Try different kodi addons like the crew siren or the oath. They offer a better variety.

Those are the Kodi add-ons I am using. Crew is my go to. It is happening on Venom, Maverick, Seren, Num3ers. And I have been going to the same shows for weeks before.
Are you saying that suddenly there are no links for those shows for a week? That doesn’t sound right to me. I appreciate your help but this has happened since I updated my frestick


I’m not saying that. I didn’t know that’s what you where using.

My crew siren and venom tonight just updated and is working perfectly.

I wonder if you have to much stuff on your stick it’s causing issues.

Try taking your builds off, fresh install kodi and add those on as addons instead. No builds.

Try to remove some bloat ware and unused apps as well and try again. Something happened and is causing this.

Almost sounds like an update broke something.

That’s what I’m thinking. The update caused an issue. I’ll try what you suggest. But I have nothing more on the Firestick than I had before the Update.

Someone else just reported this as well. Please keep us posted. If there’s a resolution I’ll link the two posts.

If real-debrid is still active and your resolver settings are correct then I have two other theories:

  1. People have reported that the Xanax build is no longer supported. Maybe that is causing issues. As stated above, try clearing cache and data from Kodi then uninstall and reinstall just the regular Kodi (no builds). Install the crew add-on and set it up. See if links work then.

  2. Maybe you used a debloat tool at some point in the past? Perhaps disabling something in the settings messed up the firestick update? In which case I would do a hard reset of the firestick and start all over from scratch.

Also, see my guide on how to configure settings within the crew.

Thanks, Jay. I knew it had to be something else. I’m going to try your fix tonight.


Please keep us posted. If that fails then try a new device. (Not fire stick if you have something)

Because if all that fails then it has to be a block of some kind.

I uninstalled Kodi and re-installed it and now I can;t even do add-ons. I uninstalled Xanax.
Now I have nothing

Install add-ons without a build. Delete the app data and start with regular Kodi. If any settings were incorrect and causing the issue this will clear them out. But if none of your apps using real-debrid are working I bet your subscription is expired. Nothing else I can suggest.

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I got it working. I stalled Kodi and then DiggsXenonMatrixBuild.
The The Crew.

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Once again I cannot get any streaming on my Firestick. I have Kodi 21.5, I added the recommended KODI build and still nothing. I thought maybe it was caused by my Spectrum Xumo so I went back to a regular Spectrum Box. And still nothing.
Should I upgrade my Firestick? I don’t have a 4k TV

hi i have done a few of the latest sticks all updated and no effect on any apps so i would check build if thats what you are using