I’m just wondering about this new Firetv/stick/device new OS coming out (non-android)… I’ve been searching all over about when they are releasing it and which devices. I, myself have a couple of 4K Maxs and other android boxes (Mecool, etc) but the FS has something I like and that is remote setup/support with these nice tools available here. case in point a friend from far away wants me to set up his streaming device from my home so the FS is the best for that imo. If rhey order it today I’m guessing with will be the standard Fire OS (android) still? I wonder how they will badge the new ones differently so we will know we’re not buying 'non sideloadabe) devices. thanks… I’ll update if I find anything.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Amazon To Remove Android Based Fire OS from Firestick/Fire TV