I just read the post(s) on AFTV.
It states that even though Amazon has addressed the issue,
TiviMate does not request the higher “All Files” permission.
This stuff is WAY over my head, but, does this mean that TiviMate
can address this issue in an update so all can go back to normal
i.e. how it was with the older 4KMax FS.
On AFTV, Elias has a “fix” using system picker.
It works, but wouldn’t it be nice if it was like it used to be.
Terry K
I’ve always used System Picker on my Shield Pro as this allows me to choose where I want my stuff saved and I can name a file for myself.
I have my TiVimate recording folder on an external hard drive connected to my desktop computer. It tis not real hard to setup if that is an option. I guess you could do it the same way with a flashdrive plugged into the computer. I actually have 3 fire devices connected to the same drive and can record from any of them and watch the shows on any of them. I set it up using “Network Browser” app to connect to my computers IP address and then selected SMB when setting up the TiviMate recording folder.
Elias’s fix works great.
I guess I will use that until something new comes in an up date
from TiviMate.
I’m so happy for you that you spent the time to post this woohoo