I can’t maneuver in the “picker” option with my remote.
Did you use a mouse toggle type setup?
Well here it is.
After a lot of testing by me and a guy that has a lot more expertise than me
with Fire Sticks and TiviMate it appears to be in the OS of the new,2nd gen, 4KM.
He was able to set up his “stuff” exactly the same as me(finally some one who would)
with the exact same result as me.
My final test was formatting my USB drive in the 2nd gen 4KM, removing the USB, putting it
in my previous 4KM. I was able to pick a folder to record to; recorded to it , all was good.
What can I say.
Terry K
Yes, I used a Bluetooth mini keyboard with a mouse pad.
Ah se nono comprende, I need sinco pesos!
The following information will help answer your dilemma to why you can save recordings on external with your “old” 4K Firestick Max and NOT your new 2023 4K Firestick Max.
2023 Fire TV Stick 4K Max is showcasing the new Fire OS 8 operating system. Fire OS 8 is powered by Android 11.
Your “old” Max is using Fire OS 7, which is powered by Android 9.
Android 11 introduced new security protocols that no longer allow saving to external. This has been a known issue since Android 11 came out.
Android 9 allows for saving to external. Best to keep these older devices handy.
Thanks “Rippleeffect”.
So I guess that Android 11 is now the “Golden Child”.
All this being the way it is NOW, Android 11 and FS 4KMax will never change any
security protocols. They do not consider this an issue at all !!
Thanks again “R”
Terry K
I guess my question would be, is this an issue that will be addressed
or is this the way it always will be?
After your post I just thought of something.
I have a Buzz TV X5 box running, among other things, Android 11.
I don’t use it any more, but guess what, I have a 1Tb hard drive connected to it and I can
send all the recordings I want to it.
You would think, a massive company, like Amazon, should be able to work around
this A 11 thing if Buzz TV can.
Thanks for providing further context to what I was trying to say lol.
Imagine this.
A lot could be said about Amazon. + or - but;
Two days ago I reviewed my 2nd gen 4KM on Amazon.ca.
Yesterday I got a call from Amazon in California .
They asked me all about my issues with the storage issue.
I compared the 2nd gen to the 1st gen as far as external storage goes.
I believe I told a good story, informative and cordial.
They told me that the tech team would be reviewing this and letting me know.
I actually did the storage thing while on the phone with them.
1st and 2nd gen.
I don’t now about you but, personally, I believe this is exceptional customer service
from a LARGE company to a small consumer like my self.
Terry K
I just noticed last nite that the latest 2gen update corrected the apps logo issue.
NOW if they can go after the external storage issue, I thing we may have something!!!
Terry K
Has any one tried the AFTVNEWS thing to
“grant / allow all time permission to external storage” on
NEW 4KMax fire stick???
A huge pain in the butt to go through this lengthy process for every app you add but it’s a start. Amazon is sure dragging their feet on this one.
Thanks for the reply “Miki”.
Did you try it?
I have used ADB shell in the past to access and modify stuff on the 4K Max, but I don’t have the 2023 4K Max. It’s lengthy and takes a ton of learning. Many layers to getting it right. I ended up with 4 pages of ADB commands and barely scratched the surface. It’s doable but I highly recommend writing down the entire process as unless Amazon does an update to fix this and you have issues and have to reset the Max, then you have to do this all over again. Huge learning curve involved.
I followed that commands via the above link.
Not to strenuous .
Do you think there is more to this than that link? When I was done
I got a message “Unknown command:set-uid”.
I sent off a message to AFTV making sure I didn’t miss a space or
something. No answer yet.
I imagine Troy has a New 4KMax, since he reviewed it.
I wonder if he could try it?
Terry K
I wonder if Troy has followed the link I posted “AFTV—”
Near the end of the comments there vis a guy named "Elias ".
He seems to be very knowable.
He has a few observations that pertain to TiviMate.
They seem to make sense to me, but, what do I know about the inner
workings of the TiviMare app.
Terry K
That’s because the posters TiViMate issues aren’t related to the permissions, but rather his inability to choose the file he wants on the external drive. Different problems apparently.
Has the newest 4KMax 2nd gen update fixed this TiviMate issue?
Terry K
I don’t have my “new” 4KMax right now to try it out.
I returned it for a new one.
It was so temperamental, rebooting all the time and powering off
a lot, as if an update was happening.
Terry K