Kodi 21 Omega - Details, Features, & Download Links

I tried that link but it didn’t work for me. Using 21 RC2. Tried on my Nvidia and my phone. No luck.

I am guessing i go to Add Source with url and then to install from zip file. I cant get past add source.

Just added Kodi 21 omega with prism and used the access code for real-debrid but clicked on a show and it says i need RD so it won’t play.

My upgrade went relatively flawless, but I’m getting some sort of Seren error, although I’m not seeing anything in the Kodi log showing anything. I reauth’d Trakt and RD.

As soon as I upgraded, I started getting Seren error too. Tried it and it still worked but the error :confused: thing bugged me enough so I just deleted Seren. I use Fen or Ezra most often anyway.

Try using a browser and downloading the zip file and saving it. Then you install from zip, choose external storage and select the file.

Yes that worked. But i thought it would be compatible with the build i had installed but it doesn’t look like it. I loaded it but all the addons from the build were gone.

No big deal. I’ll just continue to use Xenon2 and see if they offer more build options now that 21 is officially released.

Thanks for the info and help.

Installed 21 and used Seren as always with RD and Orion, nothing will clear.
Gone back to 20.5

I tried to load Diggz Xenon and it said network issue?

So you were able to download the Chef Omega wizard but it gave an error when trying to Download the Xenon2 build? If so, mayne the network is busy. What does the error message say?

It says… Couldn’t retrieve directory information. This could be due to the network not being connected.


Did you download the Omega Wizard or is that the error you are getting?

No. I just downloaded Kodi. I tried the 20.5 and 21. Got same message.

Ok. Only use kodi 21. Diggz isnt using 20 versions anymore. Make sure you are using the exaxt url


If you are still having the problem they may be doing maintenance.

I just tested and it is working. Did you remeber to “Allow from unknown sources”?

Yes. I will try again. Thanks

I was able to get it to load. Thank You.

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Does the old FEN addon work in Omega 21?

It’s working in mine.:+1:

I have installed Kodi 21 Superman build from the Troypoint Toolbox, but the favorites I have saved do not appear in the “favorites” link. What am I doing wrong?

The update to Kodi 21 went well. Only he gives an error message at Seren. Despite the error message, Seren works fine.