KODI 20 with THE CREW = loads no good links

Had the same issue. Re-authorized Read Debrid and all works fine now.


I installed RD. It caps out at 100 links. It would pull in torrent links that were magenta colored. Non RD links are in neon green.

I clicked several RD links. None worked.

This is why I say RD was trash from the beginning. It pulls links—free and not free—but the links did not work. Maybe I needed to go through all 100 links, but seriously? Not something I’m willing to entertain for every single query.

I took someone’s advice yesterday— advice from this blog—and onstream has worked like a charm.

Prior to trying RD, I was easily able to get good links, albeit 720 p, with Kodi. I receive Troy’s newsletters—and decided, “let’s try this.”

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. If maybe the VPN is interfering.

I decided to try the blog to see if there are resources.

I haven’t been using FS long—maybe a year.

I’m glad you’re doing well with RD & Kodi.


What do you mean you’ve re-authorized RD?

I would highly suggest watching the video Jayhawks659 posted above.

He does a great job of explaining RD and how to set it up using The Crew in Kodi.

Based on what you have said here, I am guessing that you only have torrents enabled through the resolver. While these links will potentially work, if you want something with far less hassle than you need to enable “cached torrents” only. Make sure this is also selected in the settings menu.

Again the video posted by Jayhawks does a tremendous job of explaining the process. I think he goes into detail of this specific task at around the 38:45 mark.


Okay after reading your reply I’m pretty sure you have not authorized RD. Sure you may have an active RD subscription but if it’s not authorized in your build/addon it’s not going to work. There is nothing linking your RD to KODI.

As others have said I’d recommend watching Jayhawk’s detailed video especially around the 41 minute mark where he talks about Real Debrid


Do you have a subscription to real - debrid?


I use a VPN that Troy from TroyPoint endorses, if that’s the ?.

RD was downloading PAID and FREE links.

I definitely am not subscribing. Subscription based has got hot water written all over it. No credit card information from me. I don’t know who owns these apps, etc.

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Are you subscribing to Real Debrid (RD)?

Oh absolutely, and Orion as well.

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Try onstream.


Yes. I enabled torrents on RD … using the CREW.
Select Add Ons
Select The Crew
Select Tools

You’ll see RD. Then you can enable torrents.

I do not pay for a RD Subscription.

Do you?


Maybe that’s where I’m running into a problem.

I won’t give any CC info to apps. I don’t know who writes them.

This is copied from Troy’s latest email:

Real-Debrid is Now a Must Have

It’s gotten to the point where you can no longer depend on free links that the various streaming APKs offer.

Due to legal pressures, there are less and less free streaming apps being released. The ones that are available come with crappy low quality links that buffer like crazy.

Real-Debrid integrates with all of the popular free streaming apps, Kodi addons, and builds.


I must not be explaining myself well.

I had downloaded real debrid.

It did not matter —movie or tv—there are up to 100 links.

The links did not work.

My RD links are in the color Magenta.

Pirate suggested ONSTREAM yesterday. That works.

It is VERY risky to supplement CC info. I’m not saying don’t do it. It’s personal preference.

I’m simply saying…red flag.

Hopefully (I’ll try RD again) it will work without a subscription.

You have utterly and completely lost me lol. You are saying you “downloaded” Real Debrid and then talk about how you don’t pay with a credit card and then hopefully Real Debrid will work without a subscription. It doesnt work without a paid sub, are you sure you are familiar with the same RD that we are talking about in here?

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Pre-paid credit card?

Okay gotta get on you a bit here. You post how bad Real Debrid is more than once. Several of us have tried to help you only to find out you don’t even have a subscription to RD? LOL I’ll never get that time wasted back :man_facepalming:


I’m starting to think he downloaded this on his device https://m.apkpure.com/real-debrid/com.realdebrid.realdebrid, and assumes that will magically give him the premium links.

This is posted so many times in here, please read through this before we go any farther:

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Yup as long as he purchases a RD Sub that video is all he needs


You’re right partially.

It provides the links in magenta WITH NO SUBSCRIPTION. The links do not work. What is confusing is this:

RD gives torrented links in two categories:

  1. PAID
  2. FREE

You select something, right?

Next screen is a madly running list something like this:

RD PAID 4K 1080 720
RD FREE 4K 1080 720
The third line is like this (below with no RD)
4K 1080 720

So help me understand something. Why pay RD if they have free links?

Obviously they are sourcing them…

I’m not intending to confuse anyone. I’m saying I did not enroll in a paid for Real Debrid. Yet both paid & free links are supplied.

Why pay when it seems there are free links? That is confusing to me. It seems like you’re baffled too.

So basically RD with no subscription gives free links that simply they’ve disabled. That’s so classy.

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