Kodi 20.3 Now Available - Features, Updates, & Install Guides

Originally published at: https://troypoint.com/kodi-20-3/

Kodi 20.3 has officially been released by the Kodi development team and is now considered the stable version. This is the final release for Kodi 20 as the software will move to Kodi 21 Omega for its next stable release. The following article details all of the new bug fixes, features, and changes to this…


loaded this on 6 hours ago for information all apps worked fine on it no problems

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Kodi 20.3 will install on one of my 4k firesticks and will not install on another.
The build downloads from downloader but when I click on install the screen changes to done and nothing happens?
Anyone else having this problem?

When did Kodi start hijacking full screen on the Windows version? Does 20.3 allow you to have it open in a separate window?

Hi , i have kodi 20.2 , to update to 20.3 ,do you have to delete 20.2 first ,or is there a way to just update, thanks


If I update KODI from my current version, will I have reinstall my add-on’s???


i just loaded it and it updated dont delete the kodi you have

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i didnt all addons still there not sure about builds i dont use them

I run a Build and it won’t Auto update but my rule of thumb on these minor point releases is there usually isn’t a reason to update unless it’s going to materially affect your Addons or improve performance. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it

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Great point!

I should have left well enough alone. I had kodi 20.2 and it worked perfect. Tried to update to 20.3, three times thru downloader and it won’t update. Also tried a alternate way with appstarter and that failed. At this point 20.2 wont even install. I also have added a SD card for extra storage I thought that would help. Firestick recognizes it. What can I do to fix it?

use the kodi site direct 64 or 32 make sure you load correct one

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Try a browser using link below, make sure your browser is allowed to install from unknown sources.

It sounds like someting went afoul for some unknown reason as they sometimes can and do.
I would recommend uninstall kodi and start over with a new install.
Good Luck

I don’t have android tv, Google tv, or chromecast. I want to install using my firestick like before using downloader. The kodi logo doesn’t appear in my apps after trying to download it numerous times. Something else is keeping it from doing so.

I uninstalled kodi, and it won’t reinstall using downloader

Check your memory/storage capacity. May need to do some clean-up if low on storage…

I have a external SD card. That should not be the issue. Appstarter told me to delete older version 20.2 of Kodi before d/loading 20.3. I should have left it alone, it was working fine. Kicking myself in the ass right now.

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Are you using the Troypoint Toolbox for your KODI Install. Troy has 20.2 and 20.3 Quick and easy you will just need to reinstall your Build or Addons and Reauthorize RD+Trakt (if you use it)

Can someone tell me Troy’s URL in order to install Kodi? I deleted my Kodi and cleaned out everything to do with my Kodi 17.5. Now I don’t know what URL to use to download and install the new Kodi 22? Also what happened to the Kodi Skins? I tried once using someone else’s URL and I get the basic Kodi with no skins. I’m so disappointed. HELP. -Monnica