Jailbreak Nvidia Shield

Is there a Troy video on how to jailbreak the Nvidia Shield?

There’s a video of how to add apps to the never Shield.

Should be mostly the same for the Shield. Jailbreaking is simple and a video likely isn’t needed.


What is it you wish to do?

Like my opening question asks.

@Powerfader was just being helpful.

You probably are not asking to “Jailbreak” your Nvidia but to “Sideload/Allow from unknown sources”. Which is why Powerfader was asking what you wanted to do.

To me, “Jailbreak” is more of an Apple term as they dont easily allow you to control your device and override permissions. People use it for Android but its not really accurate. But thats just me.

Unless you are really looking to go into your Android OS and change it.


LOL I think the term “Jailbreak” started years ago when people were selling “loaded” Firesticks on Amazon. I often would see the phrase “Jailbroken firesticks” :sweat_smile:


Yeah I see it used by FS and android devices all the time but i still think its not used right.

Clicking a button isnt Jailbreaking. The device allows you to make the adjustment.

Going into the OS and changing the device is more of a “jailbreak”. It is not intended by the manufacturer so you need to do more than click “allow”.

Its like being in jail and they give you the key… did you really break out? Lol


Jailbreaking is a colloquial term. Are you just wanting to sideload a few apps? If so, then you just need to go settings>Apps>Security & Restrictions>Unknown sources>enable what you wish.

That’s it in a nutshell

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I never use The insider search engine it’s not specific enough. What I use Google make sure you put Troy point in a search engine and it comes up what you want. All you got to do is put in how to add apps to the never Shield, or something that affect, then you put Troypoint in the search field and it comes up. Simple.


I should have asked this first. My knee-jerk reaction when someone asks about jailbreaking a device is that they want the ability to sideload. If this is not the case and not what your original question inferred, please give us more details so we can help. @hammer


Which is why I believe generalizing the term is misleading.

For me and I believe others:
Jailbreak = Apple/iPhone OS
Root = Android OS
Sideload = Allow Permissions on Android device from unknown sources

Makes a clear distinction what you want to do.


I agree to disagree and ive asked Troy about the term. Jailbreak is used here for basically setting up a tv box to be sideloaded and a few other modifictions. To me root is gaining complete control of any system. Basically for all intents and purposes here jail break is "to load"or sideload a tv box. Jailbreak and root are not the same.


A quick Google and the screenshot shows…

Thats how I always understood it here or there or anywhere. Lol

Edit: And if it was specified if hammer wanted to actually jailbreak or sideload his Nvidia Shield the confusion wouldnt have happened. As we still dont know the answer.

If @TROYPOINT wants to call sideloading the same as jailbreaking, i will respectfully disagree.


I said I agree…to disagree. I brought this up to Troy waaaaay back.


Read down a little bit,

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Sideloading - Wikipedia.

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I have followed Troy’s videos and step by step instructions on how to jailbreak Firestick and onn devices. Done 4 or 5 Firesticks and 2 onn original s and 1 onn 4K Pro. I just wanted to do the same with the nvidia shield. From all the responses here, I gather the steps are basically the same for the Firestick, onn, and the nvidia shield. Many thanks to all who have contributed here.

Pretty much got it…all pretty much the same. For me its mostly just turning off play protect and its a go.