ISPs Say They Will Block IPTV Services as Soon as Law Allows

Did V 3.5 come out recently??

Resets everything.

Yes, digital mechanical timer.

I canā€™t say exactly what it accomplishes ā€“ someone more IT adept needs to chime in ā€“ but if TXron says to do it, I do it lol. And yes, unplugging the router for 30 minutes would do the same thing. And 30 minutes is probably overkillā€¦I would think 5 minutes would be enough to purge and refresh.

I understand completely. Troy, Miki, Ron and others. Iā€™m glad they are here to lead the way.

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There is no need to shut a modem/router off for 30 minutes. 2-5 minutes is more than sufficient to allow any issues to clear. Unresolved I/O operations, looping in an attempt to complete an interupted task and on and on. I usually find 2 minutes for all my devices to be fine. But be sure to shut everything down, where possible, using the device home shutdown task, in order to save necessary files, complete internal tasks and to ensure that processes and task queues are completed, before you disconnect the power. Even though it may seem you have shut a device down it may still have a micro charge in order say to wake from sleep.


Starting to tire of VPNā€™s fickleness, I started using the free, proton VPN when I need, it works just as well for me .when my Surfshark is up,I will not renew it

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Yes, a month or less.

I have paid for Proton VPN for the last two years. Love the speed up tech, no speed loss at all.

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So basically hitting the off button on say, an ONN device is sufficient?

I personally take the extra step and unplug the device, but that is only for extreme issues. Under small issues using the on/off button should work just fine.

This is what Spectrum recommends. Personally, 5-10 minutes is sufficient. However, I have many time dis connected on my way out the door and may not return to reconnect for several hours if not all day. lol

Man back in the day,when Dish Network,the little company that could was starting,it would have been a great stock option.

Good to know, Maybe making the switch to it when my Surfshark expires Iā€™m quite impressed with the free one so Iā€™m sure the paid is better

Ah. Well, It must be good timing for me and Im sorry it was jacked for you in the past. I was REEEALLLY unhappy with other providers and when I say Im impressedā€¦Iā€™m super impressed. All has been great.

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imho, These ISPā€™s should stay in their lane, and continue to support the customers that pay for their service: ie, providing Internet service availability!
If I go to Walmart and buy a pencil, I sure donā€™t expect Walmart to tell me how Or when to use it.


This is expected & should be anticipated. Eventually manufacturers of streaming devices will be limited to app downloads from only authorized storage & sideloading will be eliminated from those 99.99% which are not tech savy which was the case with the original Firestick.
ISPā€™s have no choice but to comply with media providers which demand restriction or elimination of content they provide when the percentage of pirated content exceeds a very small percentage due to bottomline $ā€˜s which shareholders lose in profits or otherwise be denied access.
It is all a cat & mouse game we have played for decades now since the internet was accessed only in .DOS & we used 10ā€™ round dishes setup in our yard to acquire totally unencrypted streaming of live feeds. As the popularity of ā€œFreeā€ became popular, businesses were created making profits & Media Source Providers noticed revenue loss, these same sources changed operating techniques to limit access.
Of course there is always a hue & cry from the 99.99% non tech savy which has lost access to ā€œFreeā€ sources as changes occur requiring others to discover ā€œworkaroundsā€ which will then become popular, some will profit greatly & the majority will pay small amounts to once again be able to access ā€œFreeā€ entertainment.
Generally once a week/month is advisable to reset your modem/router & for best results leave it off for a full 30 minutes to up to 1 hour.
Will not further explain, reasons are complicated & have no desire to play a game of if & why.

I think some of us are afraid of whacky legislation that could lead to ISPs banning VPN use. Iā€™m not privy to the tech, but it seems this would be a huge step that would have giant pushback.

The real problem, for them, is that they are not dealing with just one country. Internet is global and attitudes vary greatly from country to country. It will be impossible to apply a universal ban on VPNs. Never going to happen in my lifetime and not worth worrying about.


The Big Guy!!!

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