Is NVIDIA Shield still the best?

imho, you’re not missing much

No, i don’t doubt Troy gave it a good review. By definition it should be a great box. However, as someone who bought one, based on his review, I was disappointed that I was having issues and could not get appropriate support online. I ended up having to dig through Reddit Forums to find Firmware updates and to get information on how to obtain certain patches to fix issues I was experiencing after doing a factory reset.

My last interaction with Mecool TS was to use my phone’s wifi and connect the Mecool to it via hotspot to fix the WiFi dropped signal issue. Not really much of permanent fix now is it. I have found that there is little support available on their support page for the KM2+ and to find firmware updates requires contacting customer/tech support as they are not available on their page to DL directly like other sites have for their products.

I am also not the only one to have an issue with their KM2+. It’s just disappointing that a box with so much promise, has this many issues. Just my 2 cents. You’re one of the lucky ones I guess and glad for you. My last question, have you had to factory reset it yet and where are you located. I am here in Canada, and OTA firmware updates are not readily available for our units it seems.

Same, my Shield TV is my primary streaming platform in the living room. Wouldn’t change it for anything. It’s on my secondary TVs where I am struggling to find a quality box that won’t give me issues and which a supplier keeps it updated regularly.

You’ve seen my posts on the Mecool KM2+ I have and am having issues with… So many choices nowadays but always a gamble no matter what you try. Ended up going back to my FS 4K (original), but just waiting for it to tell me that I am running out of space…LOL!!!

I used my KM2 for 3 weeks then gave it away.

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But it would have made a great doorstop…LOL!!!


Just chiming in, Shield here. No way I’d ever go back to the Stick. Probably go the Roku route and give it up altogether before a Stick again.

EDIT - I’d buy an ONN in leiu of a stick.


I’ve been a satisfied Shield owner for many years. STOP spending money on cheap & finally get the best. Think of how much you’ve spent on CHEAP over the years when you could have been like me… a satifisfied streamer all of these years. Stop quibbling, bite the bullet & enjoy!

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I beg to differ had both Nvidia and Firebox. Bought both around the same time. My firebox is still rocking and my NVidia is a book end. I bought NVidia because of all the great reviews. Honestly NVidia was not superior to the firebox. My fire remote control my entire entertainment system. picture quality was no difference. The price difference was about hundred dollars.

Very odd indeed. My Shield Pro remote controls everything, including my TV, Soundbar, Shield, and even my other devices. The settings options are huge in the Shield Pro. Not sure what Firebox is, actually never heard of it. Got a link to specs and/or info, model etc?


i understand that nvidia is the main supplier of ship sets for crpytomining which is huge right now that is keeping them busy i know here in the mtns our small county has 3 of them

Oh well…

Lucy - Oh, well

I’ll give you $ 25 bucks for the ‘bookend’ w/remote if it still boots up. lol

I will give $26…lol…here we go!!!

I agree as ppl have stated above. My main TV is Nvidia Shield, with secondary TV’s through out house and garage are Onn boxes. Zero issues, Onn box hold there own. Not an Amazon user

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I guess there’s crypto mining in them there hills at the old abandoned coal mines…bituminous that is

its noisey as all get out if they start one near you its like a constant buzz for a couple miles around it i am up on the mtn so the electric power they need isnt here so i am safe from it

Definitely! Worth every penny

Let’s not forget that the shield can be particular relevant for those of us that likes to run a Plex server.

Ive read reports of people sleeping with their shields :crazy_face: :grimacing: :open_mouth:

No one really talks about the shield tube though. I wonder how effective a seller the model is for Nvidia since launch?

Not sure Formuler are going to make a new GTV box - That would come with MYTVOnline 3 and hopefully Netflix certified.

The difference would be - either Android TV os or Google TV certified ( the Shield is google certified). Current GTV got firmware updated to Android 12 certified but not sure if it is now Netflix certified.

For IPTV, the MYTVOnline app is hard to fault / beat as the remote is more useful than on any other IPTV app.

Also, in the UK Formuler 11 Pro max can be brought with blue tooth remote to make use of voice controls,
With standard remote £139.99
With Blue tooth remote £149.00