Is NVIDIA Shield still the best?

I have a Tube that resides in my sock drawer. It’s not bad, but not as good as the Pro. For a lousy $50 bucks more you can get the Pro. In other words, if you are going to spend $150. You might as well do the extra $50 bucks for a better product.

Btw, even though the tube is not as good as the Pro. The Tube still beats out most devices in benchmark testing.


Looks good at that price. The Formuler Z11 Pro MAX 4GB RAM 32GB storage is pretty decent.

This is the biggest difference when you see devices such as the Nvidea pro and the ONN box, its a case of chalk and cheese when trying to compare them. The Nvidea pro (16GB storage) has vastly greater memory and potential memory together with the interface speed to access that memory, than with the ONN which has 2GB of RAM and an overall 8GB of storage (which probably includes the RAM size)

At the end of the day you choose a box which is ample for your needs at the time then upgrade if you must at a later date. Personally I wouldn’t pay for an Nvidea box, given that SBC’s (single board computers) are pretty cheap. RaspberryPi TV


I have installed 6 for family and friends.
While I like it, I have had some remote and sound issues, which I can fix, but if the user is not keen on knowing enough to fix the the issues, then the Nvidia Shield is better the investment.
If money is an issue, then the onn is better than a firestick.

How did you know that I…I mean this person did that?

I just do not care for the remote, but the device works perfectly.

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ONN Plan B

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Reason for buying Formuler, MYTVOnline app - why I got this over other boxes.

After “cheap” android boxes, I wanted something easily for my elderly parents to use.
We all know, IPTV has too many channels - 90% we will never watch.
My journey took me to which app was easy to use, setup for parents and will not cause me too many headaches.

I got the Z7+5G (£100 at that time) - nice box, still working but MYTVOnline was not upgraded to MYTVOnline 2.
With the new features, got the Z8 (£120 at that time) and It’s still perfect for my parents.

Have a fav group for each parent, setup with their channels, which they can change in that group with the remote’s numeric keys.

Setup a few Z11pro for friends and it’s good but no reason for me to ditch Z8 as yet.
Noticed a big difference when watching on an LG OLED tv - same service on a Z8 compared to just a LG LED tv

In September I found the Shield Pro on Amazon for $229.00. Then in October during the two day Prime Sale I found it listed for $169.00 Now I’m still waiting for installation of Fiber Optics so we can stream but I couldn’t pass on that deal and now have three, yes three Shield Pros one for each of our tv’s. Don’t ask me how many other boxes I’ve purchased while waiting.


Nvidia Shield Gif - Made with Clipchamp

NVIDIA Fan club.

So I run mine on a PC, with graphics and sound that blows away the Nvidia Pro on all counts, in fact a multimedia PC that is pretty damned good.

Only one problem is the cost of the NVIDIA Titan xp card :laughing:

So back at ground level, how much do you notice is such a difference between media cards and does it affect your viewing pleasure once you are engrossed in the film?

I sometimes use the PC, which has 8K resolution and a dedicated sound card, but for most every day use I just use a firestick, which is ample.

I prefer Nvidia Shield over a PC. Also an Onn box over any Amazon device. Just keep streaming, whatever you preferred means may be


I personally disagree as my MeCool KM 6 crapped out within a year and I never really used it much at all. Just saying.

Hi People
I am having intermittent freezing for 30 seconds approximately of my shield pro remote since the update to android 11 and so have lots of other people on shield forums. Does anyone have any suggestions on this please.

I’ve experienced the same random issue. At first I thought it was due to a low battery and still not sure. It’s so random it makes it difficult to isolate what is causing. What does the forum say about it?


Same here. No rhyme or reason to the brief lockups. Seeing a number of intermittent glitches.

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Hi Powerfader its definitely not a battery issue I eliminated that and it only started happening after the upgrade to android 11. Many forum members say the same thing. I wonder would it be an idea to contact shield support to find out if they are aware of it and working on a cure.

I also replaced the batteries thinking that may be the issue. At least now I found the reason for ppl having difficulty removing the battery cover. It has a release button/lock. lol. Always learning.

You can try. Nvidia is pretty good about responding.

I am wondering if it may have something to do with the rapid use of variable buttons or possibly a combination of buttons used in a sequence and repetitiveness…

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I had that very issue yesterday. Trying to click my way around in “Downloader” and it locked up for 30 seconds before responding to a “home” button push. But same this morning trying to back out of downloader using the “return” button and no response, had to use “home” and wait. So it may just be certain apps need the dev to do some code updating and integration.


Many of my shield “freezes” comes from when the last update broke the bluetooth remote pairing of the OEM shield remote. Many also are having this issue. Either the box software or the remote software update created an unstable BT handshake with the remote.

When this happens, it seems like a box freeze, but it’s just the remote lost connection. When this happens, my Rii remote is still paired and works fine as does my phone app. A reboot is required to repair the remote. Simply trying to repair through re-detect doesn’t work.

Many seem to also be having this issue, as noted on Nvidia forums.