How to Use Real-Debrid on Kodi & APKs

Premiumize or All debrid? Good to know

smart thinking :face_with_monocle:

Yep no more real-debrid here either using kodi shows the links but then comes up with no stream available guess will give it a week or so see what pans out only had 15 days left here so not too bad @Miki sorry you got stuck with a heavier bag :frowning:

Yeah, I did to last month

Just got PM for 3 months so far working just like RD with apks and kodi



Got premiumize in Torrentio and MediaFusion. Will test later.


Is real debrid down now? What a shame!
So if install an apk it will work with RD? Otherwise €10 a month! Or does anybody know of a less expensive source? Thanks guys, obliged

It was kinda up yesterday, down this morning, and maybe, kinda, up again this afternoon. ???!!!


Me too, do they plan on reimbursing??

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It appears all other remaining real debrid options are considerably more expensive. How unfortunate and conveniently emblematic of the times. With real debrid, for all intents and purposes, gone, what happens to all of the “pay” links they accessed for their access? Doesn’t this make more free, quality links available? What makes a free link less accessible than a pay link?

Just checked Kodi . No streams working for me .

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saw someone post elsewhere that all torrent links for RD are gone. But apks like Cinema and Bee don’t usually pull from torrents so RD should still work fine for those.
Looks like PM or AD for kodi moving forward

Same here

Just checked Cinema HD an some RD links are working . Not all but that’s a start .

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I just want to suggest a bridge theory for those individuals that are hesitant to try another debrid provider without knowing what is about to happen to them as well.

It is still possible to search through uncached sources within Kodi addons and add them to your RD cloud. I have been testing this out to see if the files remain in my cloud / RD or if they just disappear like everything else has today, and I can say that whatever I have been able to add to my cloud is still accessible so far.

Let me stress that in my opinion, it is time to start researching and finding what debrid provider (premiumize, alldebrid, torbox, etc.) you want to use next within your various applications.

In the meantime, I just want to let people know of this ability to still acess Real Debrid through Kodi in an extremely limited manner.


I just re-upped for another 6 mo last week…prolly no refunds huh?

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highly doubt since it’s still working for apks

I am paid up on RD until March 2025. I also have 2400 loyalty points…guess it all just got flushed?