How to Use Real-Debrid on Kodi & APKs

Miki, are you refering to AllDebrid or RD when you said good to Sept 2025?

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That was referring to my Sub for RD. I am paid through to Sept 2025. But wonā€™t go with allDebrid as they are also in france.

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Itā€™s the laws.
Itā€™s also the deep pockets of content providers who can afford the upfront legal services to crack down.

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same,I still have my old standby torrent site to d/load anything that is a must watch.

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So @JPM69 Premiumize authorization process pretty much the same as RD? Done in Universal resolvers or resolve URL?

Well Miki, I was only paid through June 2025ā€¦

Looks like youā€™re left holding a slightly bigger bag than me :rofl:


Can you say ooopps?

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All my Real Debrid streams are working now in Stremio. They were not working earlier today. Hope it lasts :grinning:


July 2025 hereā€¦ :frowning_face:


AllDebrid does have a 7 day free trial, plus a relatively inexpensive month-to-month deal, so I might do it anyway since thereā€™s no big commitment.

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I have followed the suggestions from Troy for about 4 years. I started with Kodi and use Kodi for streaming. Iā€™ve been with RD and the recommended VPN, first Express VPN and for the past few years SS.
Now Iā€™m lost with RD not pulling up links.
Which is the safest and most reasonably priced competitor to RD, to move to.
I know no one knows the future, but is it opinion that they all will be shut down?
Please help, I now have multiple devices and no watchable TV service.
Would it be good advice to wait and see what happens or jump on something now.
And whats the best choice if I jump?

Gonna check it out again after I get my hour of exercise in.

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I did. Multiple pay options as well.

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As you know i use Account Manager but it looks to be the same process.

I did enter the ā€œ-ā€ between the code letters and it took it. Not sure if it was necessary.

Im like a fish out of water here too. Just looking around myself. Cant really recommend anything or know what the future holds for any of these services.

Here is a post troy made for alternatives.

Same here Torrentio RD is back on line.

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Alldebrid didnā€™t work well for me. It never returned torrents and returned many non-working links. I switched to RealDebrid around five years ago and have been using them since. Not sure if Alldebridā€™s service improved since I last used them.

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I am also geting working links from MediaFusion an Torrentio again . So maybe thatā€™s a good sign .

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I bought a month subscription to see how it worked. I tried a show that normally would have had 40 links with RD and I got one. It did include the file size. When it started there was a quick error message of some kind that I didnā€™t catch but it played just fine.

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I got mine authorized in Umbrella with the Premium Accounts link. Works exactly the same as RD.