I found this on reddit. I’m going to cut and paste the posting under the title “Fen light configuration to add uncached to cloud and then stream”:
it’s an extra step, but it works fine. This assumes that RD is keeping cached content still, it’s just that it can’t be directly searched anymore.
in fen settings:
results: ignore all filters when no results - set to auto
accounts: enable ‘search cloud storage’ under RD settings. enable ‘check before full search’
now if I click anything, it won’t find cached content, but will list all uncached sources. click a source. when prompted to add to cloud storage, say yes.
back out, click that same movie/show, and this time you should see the link from your RD cloud.
it’s one extra step but not a huge deal.
/end of post
So I did this with the Coalition addon and it worked for me. You will get a list of matches, your only real option is to copy to RD Cloud. Then search for your content again and the first match should be the cloud version you just copied. Click on that and it should stream fine.
Just bought 1 month of Premiumize and authorized in Umbrella KODI Addon. Very easy to set up. Tested a few of my shows and lots of 4K and 1080P sources. Will do the monthly for a bit to see if they will last and if so buy more time at the lower price points.
I’ve been getting RD error messages as well. I will continue to use until it totally dies.The terrible thing is that my subscription doesn’t end until Jul 25. Thats some money wasted. Guess, all good things come to an end.
I have 90 more days left on my real debrid account, will they be honoring this or will real debrid just suddenly stop working? I thought about signing up for Premiumize but if real debrid is going to try and hang on for awhile it would be silly of me to jump ship so quickly.
RD AWill keep working for any “Legal” stuff. They just will block the use of their API key for anything they now consider, or have been told, is illegal as in apps like Stremio and Kodi and steeaming of copywrighted material.
I have it with 120 days along with Syncler and it already stopped working. I thought something was wrong on my end then Troy’s email popped up and that explained it. Have already jumped over to Premiumize although I only took out 3 months in case they get shut down as well leaving less of a loss if it were to go down. I have a feeling they might be next, especially with the jump in customers now the real debrid is gone.