How to Use Real-Debrid on Kodi & APKs



All debrid site mentions the site is in Japan. So maybe itā€™s out of harms way till that group moves to them

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Looks like itā€™s time for a blackfriday deal with anyone but realdebrid.

me too just re-upped 180 days a week ago

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Sorry Iā€™m late to the party. Iā€™ve been using RD for about 5 years now. Itā€™s really the only debrid service Iā€™ve ever used and know how to set up.
As of now RD links are still working for me in the US.

So what is the best RD alternative ?? Premiumize or All Debrid ?

I ONLY use RD with apks and kodi I donā€™t download any torrents or anything like that

I went to They have a few sale options. Definitely not as cheap but it has 14 day refund policy.


Can you tell how they compare to alldebrid? there seems to be lots of different choices, my favorite things about realdebrid was plenty of results and they always showed the file size. Seems that with stremio or the nondebrid choices, I couldnā€™t see the file size so I didnā€™t know how much data I was using.

Use a browser and sign into your RD account. Thereā€™s a panel on the right side home page labeled ā€œuseful linksā€.
The second link in the list is ā€œmy downloadsā€.

In a sense you have downloaded whatever youā€™ve been watching, but not to your personal streaming device, only to RDā€™s server.

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The Dev of the builds I use (Grindhouse) is recommending All Debrid. But I think itā€™s a crapshoot right now. IF RD is getting shut down what will prevent these other debrid services from the same


Thatā€™s not cool not knowing file size so not knowing which to choose

I hear that, itā€™s crazy the size differences in the same episode, like before realdebrid expired a 45 minute episode could be like .34 gb or as high as about 4 or 5 gb for the same episode with the same resolution.

When & if such a service gets shut down will come down to what jurisdiction the service is located. Right now, it seems like anything thatā€™s in Western Europe is in the target zone.


To be honest i only signed up an hour ago. But after a few tests it gives me plenty of options and looks just like RD search results with image quality and file size included. Im not that picky though. Just give me 1080 or 4k and Iā€™m happy.

Using kodi so no idea how it looks in Stremio.

Also never used Alldebrid.

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Thanks, looks like a monthly deal might be the way to go, would suck to get stuck with a a long sub. that wonā€™t be useful if they follow suit.

Mine is good through to Sep 2025.

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Yeah because Europe has much stricter laws

So did you just sign up for Premiumize ?


Iā€™m thinking of trying AllDebrid.

It looks like itā€™s about the same price as RD and thereā€™d be no learning curve involved. The only hesitation about either Premiumize or AllDebrid is that their native currency is Euros, which may mean theyā€™re physically in Western Europe.

Itā€™d be good to know which jurisdictions a debrid service is in.

AllDebrid is in France as well. With whatā€™s happened the dominoes may start to fall so AllDebrid is also out for me. Going to wait intil next week to see what happens after the feeding frenzy has died down.