How to Use Real-Debrid on Kodi & APKs

To those who run a home server, Docker is your friend here. Check out the Real-Debrid torrent client and use it with either/or the Radarr and Sonarr clients.

edit… the Docker debrid client works with…real-debrid,alldebrid,premiumize and torbox

You certainly can set up multiple instances of addons. I have Media fusion installed but didn’t see any RD links. I’ll have to have a look at the config and see what happened. Tx @Anth aha. Mine was 4.1.6 and now I have 4.1.7 . Going to check if RD sources come up now. Yes sir. Lots of RD links now. I wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t mentioned it. I owe ya on @Anth Thanks

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I’ve seen that already over the last few days. I don’t see why anyone would want/pay for RD without streaming torrents (that they say they are stopping). I guess this will mark the end of real debrid. I just wish I hadn’t paid for two six-month subscriptions through the middle of next year!
Also, looks like Torrentio is down again.

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For those that are thinking of jumping to Torbox here is the link to configure with Torrentio. Keep in mind that it looks like they are being slammed by all the people migrating from RD but they plan on having their upgraded servers by Monday…

Orion has now removed the RD API.


Just signed up, got the 7 day trial and it works. Signup process is fiddly

1 Like blocked as a dangerous site by Surfshark…

Couldn’t watch anything on Kodi this morning

Read the article that Masterofmydomain linked.

In a nutshell, RD revoked its API, removed any content uploaded that even smells close to being pirated and is actively hunting for any sources that RD deems that might be illegitimate at the expense of iemporarily inconveniecing even legit usage.

So it appears that RD is down for a good long while if not permanently.

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That makes good sense, I’ve lost ALL confidence in realdebrid now.

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My Comet RD has now also had it’s RD API removed so now that’s off my addon list.

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So what’s the alternative? I can’t watch anything on Kodi. Any suggestions?

What’s media fusion?

Wonder if alldebrid is going to follow this same path, no sense in getting a service you can not use. Seems if they can make realdebrid bend to their will, with all the resources they must have by now, meaning tons of cash, then what’s stopping them from knocking the rest down.

Media fusion is similar to torrentio, ya put ya rd details in and get results like torrentio.

Click on @Miki link further up its in stremio community addons.

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LOL I remember in college coming into my dorm and some Poor SOB was playing this nonstop because he bombed his Finals.

BTW Love The Doors!


False positive. It’s a new app, maybe that’s why. Everyone flocking to Torbox as it is not an European company like Real Debrid.