Having problems accessing shows

Is anyone having problems with The Crew? I purchased Real DeBrid and its been working great the past 2 months. However, tonight, I can’t seem to get anything on my Kodi box. Not sure if its on the network itself, or something with The Crew. I’m not having problems accessing through the internet on my other devices.

Make sure your real debrid is up-to-date.
Re authorize your account on the app/apk you are using
Delete your devices in real-debrids website and re add them
Make sure they are added in real debrid.

These steps are a must and will solve the issue 9 out of 10 times. Also check real debrids Twitter for status updates.

Thank you. I did all that you suggested and still can’t get anything. I search a show, select a season, and sometimes I get a list of episodes. But when I click on an episode, it goes through the process of finding sources, but then nothing happens.

When I first bought Real Debrid, I had some difficulty and you sent me a link to a video on how to sync The Crew and Real Debrid. It was about 20 minutes long. I found it very helpful. The video on TroyPoint website is a very condensed version of what I did back in June. Is it possible for you to send me the link again? I think I’d like to start from scratch and see if that helps solve my problem. Many thanks. Sandy

Hey sandyp
I don’t use Kodi a lot anymore but I just ran into the same problem but only on the TV with the Buzz box. The rest of the TVs are working fine with the regular Firestick connection. Do you have a Buzz box? If so I wonder if there was a recent update. Last update I had to unplug three or four times.

No, I don’t use Buzz box. I followed through the video that Miki sent (thanks Miki) to make sure that The Crew & Real Debrid were still synced. I have deleted my device from Real Debrid and added it again. No change. I’ve re-authorized my RD account. No change. We have satellite internet and our dish was just changed because they are doing upgrades in our area. My problems started a couple of days after the new dish was installed, so I’m going to contact our internet provider to see if they did something when installing the dish. Thanks for everyone’s help. If our provider doesn’t solve the problem, I may be back for other ideas.


Hey @sandyp just wondering if you’re using a vpn. If not this could be your isp provider blocking access. I’m using kodi on buzz x5 with no issues.

My issue was the Wifi. Even though the VPN was showing connected it wasn’t. Please post if you solve the problem.

I spoke with your service provider about the recent change to our satellite internet dish and problems we are now having. Apparently, they installed a 5g dish but the current tower is only 4g. Until the tower is upgraded (could be another month), we won’t know if the problem is Wifi or Kodi. But, I’m suspecting now that its the Wifi. Thanks to everyone for their help. If the problem exits after the upgrade, I’ll be back for some help.

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