Google TV Announces New Updates Ahead of Streamer Launch

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There are some new updates coming to Google TV devices that are sure to enthuse fans of these popular media devices. All of these come before the launch of the brand new Google TV Streamer that will be available this week. Google TV is an Operating System built on the Android TV OS that has…

Looky what just showed up…


I’d dang near order one if it came with a case xx lol

Looks like they sent you a chinese pocket knife…sorry couldn’t resist

Let us know what ya think about it :wink:

Thats actually a gerber knife circa 1988 :rofl: So far pretty nice, it does not like Tduks new app but not really needed here as its already covered thru my router. I was surprised it let me un-install the youtube and youtubeTV apps…but it did and I did :joy: as well as all the other pre-installed movie apps. It however was more stubborn with the home screen and although looked very nice wouldnt let me have it my way…so enter Projectivy and all is quiet now. All I have really done is disabled play protect and since my iptv is on my server no vpn is needed and all is just great. Note there is no usb ports other than the usb-c power port. I really dont need to connect anything else but I know many of you like to add keyboards etc.


Dang man my bad,I should get better glasses lol…Gerber makes some great knives.

It’s really hard to believe I have never lost it. I think it was A christmas present from the kids back then.

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Getting very good streaming speeds with the box on ethernet are more than maxing out my speeds. I pay for 300 down and getting 361 down(analiti)


Is that with your Proton VPN?

Nope vpn is not on the box but iptv and stremio are routed via my server/router on a vpn. So the test is without a vpn.

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most likely a huge backlog. I ordered mine as soon as I could.

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Amazon sez 1 to 2 months.

Most reviews so far indicates this device is a mixed bag at best. Let us know your impressions after you play around with yours for a bit.


Troy has a first impressions video for Patrons.

I must say so far it does what I want, no frustrations to setup. Great speed. Troys video pretty much shows it all with a follow up video to come.


I need to watch Troy’s video but first thoughts are how is this box 2x the cost of the ONN Pro? Yeah you get an extra Gig of RAM but cmon.

Oh come on Mark, I mean don’t ya know Google is pure Gold :coin: :face_with_peeking_eye:


2x the cost of the onn pro and no usb port? non starter for me


Google TV blocks the ability to take a screenshot.