Fixing Buffering!

@JesseB You don’t even have to open your moniker button to look for anything meant for you…unless you changed something in notifications…there will be a little highlighted number attached to it that will let you know. I click on a heart like & put an @ in from of you handle…so you should get at least 1, maybe even 2 just from this reply.

I had the same problem. Followed all the recommend procedures with no luck. Then I upgraded to 100mbs internet. In the process I changed to the cable service provided router integrated in the modem. Problem fixed. It was my router. You don’t need 100mbs. 10 is plenty unless you’re using multiple devices or a serious gamer.

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This may be a dumb thing to suggest but have you tried hardwiring? I pay for 100MPS but am tickled to get 48MPS after VPN and can run pretty good on 16 MPS. But I am hardwired and use Debrid services on movies.

i am actually surprised at the incredible drop offs in speed when using a vpn as described by others. i pay for 100 megs. i usually get only 94 (on rare occasions i might clock 97 late at night) however when i turn the vpn on i drop to about 80-82 which still serves me well. so when i read that people have 250 megs and vpn drops them to 100 or 60, i am really stunned.