Fire TV Television will not allow side loading

I have recently purchased a Panasonic FireTV television. When attempting to download apps with Downloader, the app will not install. I get the pop message “Unauthorized APK installation detected. Please do not install performance benchmark APKs without permission from” I have noted on other blog sites recently that this is not only affecting Panasonic televisions.

Do you have the option to unlock Developer mode? Also have you allowed “Unknown Sources”? Don’t know specifically if this can be done with the Panasonic but has to be done on a Firestick?

To open developers options on a firestick you have to click on about 7 or 8 times, then you can allow apps from unknow developers

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Thanks for this. I am an experienced downloader and understand the process. I am of the opinion that it may be a Fire TV software problem and I am aware others have the same issue. I have contacted Panasonic for a solution.

Good luck there!

Same thing on my Insignia tv, will not let me use downloader, hook up an Onn 4k to it to download downloader and get my apps, under 20 buck’s at Wal-Mart

I know of others who have bought Fire TV OS televisions with the same problem. I think this issue should be pointed out to buyers before they purchase, as I know some are purchasing TV’s for £500 plus here in the UK expecting to be able to use Downloader successfully on the Fire TV OS. I have written to Amazon for their comment. I wonder if Troy at Troypoint has any knowledge of this?

Panasonic did reply stating Please be advised that the feature in question is not supported for this TV, and you can check the options with Not really helpful but I have contacted Amazon.

Why bother with the Fire TV? The ONN box is far superior. It’s faster, has more storage space, can easily be put in developer mode and sideloads with no problems. I hooked my ONN to an older Insignia Fire TV and now use the ONN exclusively.


Amazon is trying to lock down most of their fire products. Best to get a device that is more 3rd party friendly.

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Just bought a new Insignia with fire tv installed, wont let me install downloader, hooked up Onn 4k box to download apps I wanted , no more fire products for me


You really don’t want to use a TV’s native OS for your primary streaming device anyway.

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Use troypoint toolbox :toolbox:

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This just in from Star Fleet Command —

Amazon Fire is not your friend…Avoid Avoid, say again AVOID !


(Nvidea) SHIELDS UP!!


You will get used to it. I was a beginner like you.
You will be surprised how quick you get to use kodi. Couldn’t have done it without all the members on here.

Hi hi Captain Kirk


I think my reliance with the Amazon Fire TV, is after many years, coming to an end. It is obvious to me that Amazon Fire TV is slowly closing the door on us.


Just an FYI, I recently purchased a Toshiba Fire TV and had no issues like that.

Thanks! This is good to know. Was the Toshiba Fire TV purchased in the UK?