Let’s say I want to add NHL 66 to add on widgets in sports. In prior Nexus version I would go into skin setting, then add on setting and then choose sports, then browse video add on and choose NHL 66. In latest version Omega it’s not as straightforward. In the old version if I wanted to delete an add on not installed and I did not want there was an option to clear it using same process above. The process is not as transparent in Omega Xenon 2.
I see what you are saying.
Not as transparent? I couldn’t even find the Skin Settings menu. I only check for a few minutes but the menu option used to be on the main screen.
I usually dont dive as deep as you to change things around but i see your point.
Not sure if its a build or k21 issue. Perhaps it will be back for X 3.0.
Just curious, did you try one of the other skins to see if it was easier to navigate?
Something I might have a look at.
5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Diggz Xenon Debrid Only 3.0 and Free builds available for Omega
Unable to load Elementum, I keep getting "There was a problem paring the package. I have no clue what to do from this point. I’m in of help thank you in advance.
A little more info…
What version of Kodi are you using?
Where are you downloading Elementum from? Troy mentions turning off the vpn when downloading the repository.
What diggz build are you using?
Let me know and I’ll try to dl it myself to see if get an error.
I’m using the 21 version and I did go back and turn off thr VPN and got the same message.
I just installled Elementum on Troys 21 Fork and it worked perfectly.
Follow the instructions in the link below. I recommend going to that thread with questions as they seem to have more knowledge of Elementum than I do but l’ll be happy to try to help as well.
Good luck.