Can't connect real debrid & kodi

I’ve paid for real debrid. Trying to use it with kodi. Every time I put in the re-authorization code, it won’t take it. Done it so many times. I really need some help. Is there anyone willing to chat with me to help me thru this? My kodi stopped loading any streams so I got real debrid thinking that would solve the issue. I’m pretty illiterate when it comes to this stuff. Really need help. Thanks

Welcome to this great community @PanamaCat. Which addon are you trying to set-up? Are you using a vpn, if so maybe try turning it off until rd is authorized then turn it back on.

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Make sure you are re-authorizing under the Real-Debrid section. People make this mistake all the time.


OMG … YES!!! thank you so much


Kodi- Real-Debrid drill not reauthorize when reopen Kodi.
Message says no expiration date/ free invalid.

I have valid account and can reset manually.

How do I fix this

I figured out the answer to my question.

I have been using my points to keep real debrid for months now after my paid portion expired.

I have Kodi Diggz xenon plus debrid. It turns out Diggz does not accept my debrid account using points even though on an app like seren I can manually add.

Once I paid for more debrid it works. I guess the free option may include the points usage?

Troy I would appreciate clarification of this and it should be included in the diggz build video.

Best to all

If you are talking about the RD Fidelity Points you may be doing something wrong.

Ive used Real Debrid and Diggz for years. My RD account in Diggz is managed through addon Account Manager. Everytime I update my RD account either through payment or Fidelity Points my account is updated instantly.

This can always be verified in Account Manager. It will list your email, user name, staus, expiration date, days remaining and Fidelity Points remaining.

Edit: when you add your RD and Trakt accounts in Diggz you are using Account Manager addon. It is part of the Build not something you need to do on your own.

There is no way an app like Kodi, or any app for that matter, would know how much time you have added to your RD sub with fidelity points.

The Account Manager addon does. You authorize your Debrid and Trakt accounts through the addon in Kodi and it is linked to the addons you choose.

Ive been mentioning it for a while now. Its is great. It will even remind you of an uexpiring debrid account.

Sorry I think you misread what I said, if you’re talking to me. There is no way that the manager in Kodi knows how much additional time you have added to your RD account. Yes it may see that you have additional time but it doesn’t have the ability to determine if I’ve paid or gotten through adding fidelity time. It just shows your total time. Unless they’ve added some way of getting my account data and details and if so I’d dump it in a heartbeat.

Ahh yes. I see what you mean now.

Right, it knows you added time but not how. Although it will show your newly reduced Fidelity Points total. So that number would reflect you had points deducted if that was the case.

Oh ya I get that. I was just referring to the poster that said they’re account was blocked in Kodi because it was free fidelity time. Or that’s how I interpreted it. And good morning @JPM69 :sun_with_face:

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I know you are more expert than me but…Don’t misunderstand. First it’s Diggz not Kodi.
Had no problems for a long time. Two days ago started up Kodi with Xenon plus debrid you got message. The message is real dedrid failed to authorize, no expiration free or invalid. You can authorize manually. Umbrella real Debrid failure.

Kodi/xenon goes out to RD and either doesn’t get the date from RD or maybe RD doesn’t let it “see” the expiration using free days or ?

I proved it. I decided to delete Kodi etc and start over. After click chef wizard I could not install xenon aoi debrid only. Got chef wizard error see log message. Then I went to RD and bought some on my phone. In same session same screen tried again and was able to download and setup without problem.

What am I missing?

I’m certainly not a Kodi expert. If any addon knows exactly what your RD account data is I’d never use it again. But I’ll leave it at that as we can go back and forth on this. GL2U.

@Miki , its either tell 1 addon and it tells the rest or you tell each addon individually.

Much easier to just use 1 addon. Each addon you synch with RD needs to know your account info and when it expires or they wouldnt work.

I see your point but you need to give the addons the RD key to connect them. This makes it easier.

I get that it needs the API key to give access what I am saying is the addon can’t possibly know I’m using my months free fidelity points and block me because of that.


Exactly. When you go into Account Info in the RD settings in KODI it knows when your RD sub expires, Days remaining on sub, and how many current Fidelity Points you have but it certainly does not know whether you have used your Fidelity points.


Not to nit pick but if they see you extended 30 days and your Fidelity Points in 1000 less… its an easy deduction.

They wont know how you paid to extend your account.

Not that anyone is actually looking at this anyway. Who cares if I extended my account but me.

Good point but yeah why would an Addon or anyone give a rats A$$ if you got free days of RD using Fidelity points. And there is zero blocking going on here. :rofl:

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To get back to your point…

First its an addon in Diggz (Account Manager) that communicates with RD. Not the build itself. Other builds use the same addon as well.

There are 2 ways to authorize in the build with Account Manager. 1) when you do the initial set up and 2) from the main screen at the bottom left. If you got an error message did you check your account manager for account status?

I am not sure what you meant that you “proved it”.

Once you authorize all your addons with rd through Account Manager all the addons will have your RD account information in their settings. Including your points.

I wouldn’t try to authorize with both Account Manager and individually. Maybe that where the problem happened.

Either way i am not really sure why you are having the issue.