Can Not Install Kodi Add Ons

Can Not Install Add Ons Keep Getting Message Unable To Connect what should I do next

That’s frustrating, for sure. We would really need more info, please.

  • What addon to start with?
  • What device are you using?
    Another suggestion is to check Jayhawks video tutorial for Kodi. This is a gold standard for getting Kodi going.

I was finally able to get past the “unable to connect” this morning. Started working on the upgrade at about 5:00 am Eastern Time. That seemed to help a bunch.

I kept getting now where all day long yesterday.

I had a lot of trouble trying to install The Burst build and any other ADD on. It was not until I turned OFF the Kill Switch in Surfshark
that I was able to do anything

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I am having trouble installing infinity addon , keep getting download failed message , Maybe it’s not compatible with kodi 21.1?

Infinity is not active anymore. Its a fork of Umbrella i believe so you could use that instead.

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Thank you so much that solves that

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is it tho? its been update a few times in the past weeks.

I tried using Infinity the other day. After install directly from kodifitswell repo i get stuck with a never ending circle of “working”. That led me to believe it wasnt active.

Sorry, but i just tried again and same result.

Maybe its an issue with the diggz build then?

Was finally able to get the addon to load after a kodi restart. Authorized RD and Premiumize but get no streams available on tv or movies

Sorry to make the mistake but it still doesn’t seem to be working right for me.

I’ll keep trying

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so maybe give that as a more precise description than “Infinity is not active anymore.”


Infinity working good here on stock skin and aeon nox.
Pulling links from Premiumize, Easy Debrid, Rd, TorBox and Orion. :+1:

Same here just installed Infinity on my Grindhouse Build. Umbrella clone for sure. @JPM69 I know you love the Diggz Builds but I looked at them a few times and had nothing but trouble with em. Wayyyy too much bloatware IMO but if it works for you then stream on!

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Still not working for me not sure why. The POV addin is working fine.

Upon reflecting I may have confused Infinity with the older aFENnity build. But i still cant get Infinity to work.

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Is your Infinity working too?

I go to Premium Services and it lists my account info for both RD and PM but i get not No Streams available.


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Working perfectly. Tested a few of my shows and working just as good as Umbrella. Did you make sure to install and enable the Coco Scrapers?

so maybe “operator error” is more accurate.

what are your settings for providers? requires cocoscrapers or at least one of the elfhosted.


Yeah that worked. I usually never have to do any of that in the Diggz builds. It is usually all set up by default. But i guess because this isnt a preinstalled addon there is extra work involved.

My apologies again.

Lesson learned.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Elementum Kodi Addon Repository URL