Best Syncler Provider Packages?

You did not miss any steps, per se. It’s just that I had to hunt around a bit as my app wasn’t an exact match. Ain’t the 1st time. What I mean is, as an example, when I open KODI, Seren, I get Seren for Omega, whatever the heck that is.Because of the Omega in the title the location of some items aren’t where they would be in plain old Seren. BTW, I haven’t found a way yet to replace Seren for Omega with Seren.
You have helped immensely and I wanted to say again how much I appreciate it. 'Nuff said.

I never gave advice on Kodi, nor using any app in kodi. I don’t use kodi and gave up on it a long time ago. Stremio is an independant stand alone app. So I have no clue where the miscommunication occurred.

Because of mthr1’s call out does that mean we are done with this thread? It was all my fault. I started out asking about Syncler providers and then someone suggested Stremio as an option. I had never heard of it and all of a sudden had a ton of questions. Thanks to Miki (and others) I have learned a lot. Still not there with Stremio, but with continue to work with what I have.


There’s a lot of good Stremio info in here, but for future searching sake it would be nice if it was in a Stremio thread. Or maybe we can switch the thread title to something more suitable to the content.


How’s does this title work? lol

Best Syncler Provider Packages? …and random thoughts about Stremio


There’s already a block party going on (or was) that would keep the chatter compliant. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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If you only watch movies and tv shows then Syncler is the best. However, you must be subscribed to Real-Debrid and have the express packages installed.

What are your reasons?

Stremio is free and doesn’t need Real Debrid or any other premium service, although I would never use it without an active VPN, but then I never connect online without one for anything.

If your service is free and you no buffering issues, why change. I just find Syncler has whatever programs I want and I never have buffering issues.

I wouldn’t change. I tried syncler over a year ago and wasn’t impressed as It’s another uneeded app that didn’t add anything to my watching experience. There are those who love it, I don’t.

I am currently running both. Since I enjoy obscure (not necessarily main stream popular) British, Canadian and Australian TV series and movies I am more interested in good links. While I would consider both apps close, I think Syncler has a slight edge in links. However, I think Stremio has the edge in good subtitles.

I’m never out of Quality links in Stremio and I watch mostly 4K HDR and HDR10+. All with Dolby Atmos. It’s all about the addon sources. I love that we all have options to do things the way we want and like.
Have fun and STREAM ON!!!

I found an addon in Trakt that specializes in obscure movies. I use that in Stremio to find weird stuff. It’s called Great Movies You May Have Never Heard Of


I like both. Syncler(+), when used with the best recipe of kosmos and express packages, and RD, is just as good as Stremio. I like the UI in Syncler better. Syncler+ is cheap. JakedUpHybrid/Orion for Express. Bouncy for Kosmos. Good balance.

Stremio is much the same. Once you have the right add-ons for your viewing habits, it works great. I think the UI has room to grow. Aside from RD, it’s free. Free is good.

One should always function as a backup to the other as you’re really not compromising anything.

Oh Oh, I just messed up. I just deleted the JakedUPHybrid without Orion to replace with the Orion one. Now I can not get the JakedUp with Orion to install. I tried to install it out of My Repository with no luck. Any suggestions?

Do you have an Orion sub that you recently paid for? If so, then you should just be able to uninstall your existing express packages (in syncler settings) and install your Jaked w/orion from your existing repository (assuming your installed the provisioned install apk).

You’ll need to set up Orion using your api key.

Imho, Orion is not worth it.


I agree - after giving way to my curiosity, I find the pay sub to Orion to be very minimally beneficial. I doubt I’ll be renewing once my sub is up, regardless of how relatively cheap the service is.

Free Orion is ok - maybe, lol.

No Orion subscription. I was not aware of it had to be purchased.