Best Kodi Addons for Movies?

If you only use Kodi to watch movies, what add-ons would you recommend, currently I am using The Crew & Seren


Scrubsv2, Asgard, Magic Dragon, I don’t use debrid.

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Without debrid I would have very few feeds, why do you like these certain add-ons

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Because these work better for free streams, if you have a debrid account then other people recommend Fen and Seren.


If you have a debrid account, Luffy is the one I use. Lot of good 4k and Hd links with no buffering. I only use wi-fi and have no problems with streaming.


Best Kodi Addons for Free Movies, TV, & More (Sept. 2023) (

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Asgard you don’t need. Debrid thanks will try it

Fen is Absolutely amazing :fire::fire:. (Does require real debrid or another Resolver)

I think it is funny that Umbrella was 3rd or 4th on Troy’s last poll, but when this subject comes up, nobody even mentions it as one of the best.

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Don’t you need realdebrid to operate umbrella?

Try Fen or Seren Real debrid required, but works flawlessly.

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Good Morning all,
Came across this a few minutes ago on a Message board ! Fen is and was my favorite Add-on

Any mention of a replacement he’s working on? He said he’s not retiring, so makes me think there’s something else on its heels.

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I haven’t seen any follow up posts or announcements about what he may be working on . He did make it clear that he isn’t retiring, so that’s a good :+1:t3: sign.
I was hoping someone on here would maybe have more insight.

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The Crew and 9Lives are my daily Goto’s for Movies/TV Shows. Both have been working flawlessly for several months now

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I would add 9lives to the above 2.

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I use Luffy and Umbrella both work super fast with RD account. The Crew is very slow compared to these two addons.

I am presently using The Crew , Seren & Cinema
Are there better movie add-ons for Kodi

I wouldn’t say better since all addons do the same thing. If they consistently pull working streams with Real Debrid that is all I care about. I’ve been using The Crew and Homelander daily for a long time for shows and movies