Hey Everyone, I was wondering if anyone else has been using Background Apps & Process List app? It’s a nice little app that I’ve been using for a few years on all my devices. Nvidia Shield Pro, Firesticks and Onn 4k Pro. I recently got my daughter a Onn 4k Pro and wanted to install it, but can’t find it anywhere. Has it been removed from the Google Play store? Any info would be appreciated. Also, if anyone can suggest another app to takes it place? Thanks Joel
I highly recommend
@TechDoctorUK—also, in the forum if you have any questions.
However, they are very straightforward and are on the Google Play Store; pay once and have them on unlimited devices.
Edit: I missed the Fire Stick device; this will not work.
I am not 100% sure about the current state of the Background Apps & Process List app in the play store as I’m not near a TV, but I agree 100% with @DarkStream, TDUK app killer is the most amazing app. It is the only app killer that I have ever used that ACTUALLY kills apps. He has a whitelist section to omit apps that you want to stay running, but with 1 click, you can do what takes many clicks with the other app. Best $2 you will ever spend lol.
Still in the play store.
Hey @PapaS for your shield you can set it up to close background apps and processes by long pressing hamburger button. I also have mine set up to open all background apps by dbl clicking the home button.
Thanks PapaS, did you find that in the play store on a Onn 4k Pro?
No I just checked on my phone. If you want the file I can send it to you and you could install from browser on Onn box.
I know you have your answer but I too have looked for it in the Google Play store, it was there and then it wasn’t, I didn’t look today but a couple of weeks ago it wasn’t there, so you aren’t crazy .
I used Send Files to TV and sent it from my other Onn box to where I needed it.
Thanks, but I’m not sure how to do that.
Pretty simple, if you have downloader app on your Onn box and want to give it a go I’ll make it pretty simple for ya. Open downloader and type in troypointinsider.com and come to this thread and click the link below should bring you to Proton Drive where the file is sitting waiting. I’ll leave the link active for 24hrs. Good luck.
I use fast task killer its in the troypoint toolbox.
Thanks! I got as far as downloading the app from your proton drive only to get a message that says Status
An unknown error has occurred. Check your URL and connection.
Do you have a browser on your box that allows downloading if so try on that.
Sorry, I should have checked to see if it worked on Downloader at my end. I just checked now and I get the same error. I have checked on a browser and can confirm it’s working.
Where does it put the downloaded apk.? How do i run it to install the app? Thanks so much for your help.
Open the browser settings and look for Downloads or open in a file manager.
Tried both, TVBro and ES File Explorer Pro…nothing. I’m almost at the end of my rope.
TVBro you download and then when you are finished I believe on the top bar you click the underlined downward arrow and that is where your download is.
I did, there was nothing there.
Then it didn’t download. Try here
But it says it did download. I’ll take a picture for you.