Amazon update does it again

You may want to use a tool that is an APK updater than you can run and all your apps are listed and you are informed if there are updates so you can see it all in one spot instead of having to run an app to know if there is one. I don`t recall where I got it but I am sure others could point you in the right direction. It works quite well.

Updates can no longer be blocked on the OS 7. The update modules are now “protected” . So you can’t block them.

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wish I had done this to my other firesticks like I said this one works flawless


I also use the ONN, but not wolf launcher. I use button mapper on the channel key and have 6 Apps on this button and use voice control on some Apps.

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instead of esfilem… you can try C’s… but doubt it will help

Anyone know what is being locked up on Amazon OS? Did the upgrade to latest and then remapped a button. No problems.

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